Okay...so I promised the girls to keep these pics clean, and I will *NOT* be posting the digital video.
But, I will tell the tale....
So, on Saturday night, we had Megan's Lingerie Shower & Bachelorette Party.

Miss Megan & Me
(isn't she just so pretty???)
We started off the night with appetizers & drinks. I opted for the Mimosas (as it is always my drink of choice!) While others chose the drink of the evening: The Chocola-tini (a godiva chocolate martini...)

And then of course, Susan prepared her infamous bachelorette party penis cake.

This cake led to a discussion...that whoah. I won't be posting anywhere! Let's just say, we all got schooled on some things, that perhaps, we shouldn't know.
And then...oh, it was dance time!
Now, typical bachelor parties feature female strippers or a trip to a local strip club. Typical bachelorette parties may feature male strippers or a trip to a local strip club.
This party---well, the dancer came to us, and instead of her stripping for us---she taught US how to strip! (or...she taught us exotic dancing...)
Here are Megan & I putting on our "stripper-shoes". And yes, mine are CLEAR! [little inside joke about "clear" being my favorite color! Hey---clear goes with everything!]

And this is our instructor--Clarissa.
Clarissa Explains It All!

And...this is all of us...learning how to take off a shirt...in a sexy way!

And...Ta-Da! Our Big Finale!

And then it was Lingerie Shower time.
I'm not going to post pictures of that stuff here. It might be kind of weird for you guys to see Megan's nighties.
Oh, then the next part of the evening...nope, I can't show that either...let's just say, it involved a vanilla lolli-cock. Use your imagination.
...moving on!
Cake time!
As predicted, Megan will take the tip...

After all, who wants a mouth full of pubic hair?
Even if it really is toasted coconut...
"Can we have some cake now???"

And then it was time to dress her up & take her out!
Miss Megan---ready to go out & show off those moves!

So, 1st we went to Pete's Piano Bar in Addison.
We didn't stay there.
Then---Susan & I went to The Flying Saucer in Addison while the rest of the crew went to Sherlock's. Why? Oh, because I got an AWESOME parking spot & while we were waiting for the other car to pull up---we realized that we were at the wrong bar!!!
So, we went over to Sherlock's....where "Random Guy" came up to Megan, sang to her, and she spanked another guys hiney.

Yeah, he was pretty pleased with himself.
After about 10 minutes there, Megan said that she was pretty much over the whole bar thing. We left & went to Susan's to hang out a bit...and then we all went home.
I'm telling you---that exotic dancing is a total workout!
There's just no excuse for a fat stripper now. "Honey---if you're doing it right, you should be losing that weight!"
I swear, my body was SORE on Sunday!
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