Life Is Just So Daily

Thursday, April 26, 2007


This is Gage's favorite book.
"Trucks" by Byron Barton.

He loves this book. It's over at Memaw's house. Memaw is my mother-in-law, and she keeps Gage during the day. I sent this book over to her house...oh, probably a year ago...maybe longer.'s one of the first things he looks for each morning when we go to Memaw's.

Now, the state of this book...well, it's very well loved. The top left corner is pretty much gone from when he was first teething. The edges are worn. The binding is 1/2 way gone. It's just broke-down. is the favorite.

The whole book is about trucks---which he enjoys. But, what he likes even more, is to find a cat in the window of a house in the background on one of the pages. I never would have EVER noticed this little cat. But, he turns the pages frontward & backward until he finds the cat. He finds it, points at it, and says "CAT!" & smiles. Then he says, "M'yow! M'yow!" (Meow, meow....but he doesn't quite pronounce it the way its spelled!)....

Oh, it's precious.

Time to get a new book & tuck away this old copy....just so I can keep the well loved one.



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