Life Is Just So Daily

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Let's Go Outback Tonight!

...or one night a few weeks ago...

yes, this is another one of those "catch up" posts...

....when life gives you lemons...

....after trying them yourself, you insist that your daddy try them too!

Needless to say, a good time was had by all. And Gage ate a very large amount of his macaroni & cheese, and he even ASKED to go potty & had a successful trip with Daddy to the men's room. Woohoo! If that doesn't call for a steak dinner, well, I just don't know what does!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Chris & Tera's Birthday Bash: Just Say No to the Jello!

A little overdue, but so what? Let me start by saying that last weekend, Gage was in Tyler at my mom's house for a visit.

Saturday during the day, I attended a baby shower in Keller.
That's um....about an hour (more b/c of traffic) away from my house.

Saturday night: par-tay at Chris & Leslie's, to celebrate the upcoming birthdays!

Me & Hubby...

Tera & Nathan---dancing.

Leslie, Tera, Me, & Pam

...and me, with the stripper pole.
No, I didn't dance.

.....because, you know, nothing says hygeine like a borrowed stripper pole!
Don't worry, Leslie says she cleaned it.
And, all of the dancers were fellow party-goers, and fully least while we were there!
And the best part: when it would randomly fall while various guys (yes, I said guys, b/c more guys danced on it than gals), and these guys would fall flat on their asses. Good laughs for all!

Random party guy; I don't know who he is, but I'm sure Leslie does...

And sadly, all of the pictures I have of Leslie on the pole are blurry!
...darn it.

A good time was had by all.
Jello shots are not my friend.
After the age of 30, I think you should be banned from all situations where jello shots are served. Why? Because it will have been a while since you've had 'em, you'll forget how to say no to them, and you'll keep going like the Energizer Bunny.
If I never eat jello again, it may be too soon. I'm just sayin'....

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The Wednesday that Wouldn't End...

Yesterday was a horrible, horrible day.

Gage has been sick since Sunday. Cough/cold/congestion type stuff.Well, yesterday, Gage was worse, not better.

I was on the phone w/ the pediatrician's office on Tuesday b/c he's had allergic reactions to 2 different cough syrups that we tried since Sunday. Well, maybe he's allergic to them, or maybe something else is giving him hives, or maybe it's an immature immune system that is responding to illness. Yeah, all of that = Benadryl round the clock to rid his little body of hives, and one very sleepy/cranky/tired little boy for um....two days.

So, on Tuesday, the pedi office told me to call back if he got colored drainage or fever. Well, Wednesday morning---fever of 101.5 under his arm, so if you add a degree for their internal temp, that would be 102.5 in his little body. Do you really add the degree, or not? I heard that you do. I don't really 100% know, but either way---the boy had fever. Gave him Tylenol. Called the pediatrician---well, they were all booked up & couldn't get him in. Told me to take him to the urgent care clinic at Children's. Well, the last time we did that---it cost us about a thousand dollars in total b/c they are ALL out of network providers.

So, I called up to my ER to bring him up here. Get out to my car----the engine light comes on. I go to Walmart thinking that (1) they'd be open that early, and (2) maybe it's just an oil change I need. (I've had the car a little over a year lights have ever come on....) They said no, and sent me to Auto Zone to diagnose the problem w/ some little machine they had. Put the machine on, got some codes, and he told me to take it to a mechanic b/c the Auto Zone computer will generate the codes, but not decipher what the hell they mean for the make of my car. Go BACK OUT to the car, get Gage put BACK IN the carseat----my car wouldn't start. That was all before 9am. Auto-zone turned into hoodlum central, and there I am, with my sick kid. Hubby called his buddy/neighbor Mark, and Pam was home yesterday too. They came & got me, and let me borrow their car to take Gage to the hospital. Pam hooked my son up with a baggie of home-made cookies, and she hooked me up with a go-cup of delightfully sweetened coffee, bottle water for the ER wait, and her car. Could you really ask for more?

Meanwhile, Hubby was burning up the phone lines w/ Overseas Motors trying to decipher what in the world the codes mean. They said, "replace the battery, and it will reset itself."

So, before I head over to the hospital, Hubby asks me to go back to AutoZone & have them test the battery. They do. It's bad. I buy a new battery, that LOOKS like the one they just took out. Go outside (still, sick kid in tow), try to replace the battery, it's about a quarter inch to big to fit into the perfect little casing that Jaguar has placed so beautifully under the hood of the car. So, have to yank that sucker out, go back in, return the new battery, get my old one back, throw it back under the hood, wipe the black car stuff off my hands, lock the car, and load my sick kid back into Pam's car. Call the hubby & tell him that AutoZone doesn't carry this freaky-deaky sized battery to fit into my formerly-perfect-dream-car.

Hubby FINALLY located a battery across Dallas at a PepBoys. Kicker: I had my car keys with me, in another city b/c Gage was w/ me going to the hospital where I work.

Get to the hospital (finally). Get checked in. RSV test (Gage calls it "fishing for bookers" b/c it's a nasal swab test). Chest x-rays. RSV test comes back negative. Chest x-ray shows that he has pneumonia. Well, bronchiolitis with early pneumonia.
Lovely. AAAAND---the kicker: from Sunday to Tuesday he acted like he was sick. Wednesday, when he had more symptoms indicating illness---he was in the best mood, playful...he would tell you that he was sick or didn't feel well, but it certainly wasn't slowing the boy down. And, I suppose all the Benadryl on Mon/Tues may have really contributed to his evil-ness on those days... So, anyway...back to the Wednesday that wouldn't end.

FINALLY, around 4 or 5, Hubby picks up Mark. He's already picked up the battery for me (THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!) and we all meet up at AutoZone. The boys changed my battery, and the car was good to go. I stayed in Pam's car & took Gage to CVS & got his medicine. And TicTacs. The boy had been begging all day long for TicTacs. He was sooooo good all day, even when Mommy wanted to pull her hair out, he really did his best to be patient.

So, Mark & Hubby went back to Mark & Pam's.
Gage & I got our goods at CVS, and when I pulled up to Mark & Pam's----there was Mark, washing & drying my car for me.
Pam even fed me dinner before I went home.

Seriously, my terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-day would have been so much worse if it had involved cab rides & tow trucks, and hundreds of dollars to the car dealership to replace a battery!

So, I suppose...if you look back on it....
I didn't have to cook at all yesterday. (Gage's breakfast usually consists of cereal or cooking there!)
I got to drive Pam's X5, which I've determined is now the official best car on earth. If I would change anything on it---I'd give it the turning radius of the Hummer that I test drove. Other than was fun to drive & I could sit up high, and see, and felt safe...
I got to see some of my work friends w/o the responsibility of working...
I had a super yummy dinner...
I got to go shopping (yes, I was only CVS & AutoZone, but still counts as shopping)...
I was right about my son: he may not act sick today, but I know that he is.
Gage took his medicine like a champ.
And---I got to watch Private Practice at home, all snuggled up in my bed while everyone else was asleep.

I suppose the day that wouldn't end wasn't totally shot.

And today is Thanksgiving.
I'm at work now.
Tera & Nathan are running the Turkey Trot. I'm not sure about Chris & Leslie. I know Chris likes to run, so maybe he's running too. Anyway---good luck to all of them!

After work, it's over to the In-Laws', provided Gage is feeling well. If not, we'll just keep it low key at the casa, and hopefully watch "Christmas Vacation" tonight to kick off the holiday season.

And tomorrow, there shall be shopping. Sweet, glorious shopping.
If you need me, I'll be up at 4am. Feel free to call.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Kung Fu Fighting....

Pics from one evening last week...or the week before...
Okay, who am I kidding? The movie came out on DVD on a Tuesday. These pics were from Tuesday night!

"Everybody was kung fu fighting...."


...and now, my movie review.
I loved it!
I think that there were a few parts that were a bit intense/scary for a 3 year old...but, I was just lovin' it.

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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Quotes of the week...

Gotta post this, quick. We're heading out to a party tonight, and these just might get bumped from the list if I don't hurry & track 'em!

Mamasita: "Who's being mean to the eggs?"
Lainey-Paney: "Me, Mom. I'm being MEEEEEEAAANN to the eggs."

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Busy Day....

Oh, wait....I've been nothing but lazy since I woke up!
It's almost 1 o'clock. I'm due in Keller,TX at 3pm for a baby shower.
I don't even know where Keller is.

So far today, I slept in...well, I woke at 7:30 & laid there until 8:40. Finally got out of some coffee...did the dishes. Washed one load of clothes. They're still in the washer b/c I haven't bothered to tend to them since...I've showered, and painted my fingernails & toenails. And I've weighed myself. That's been about it.

Oh, I watched Grey's Anatomy.
...and drank more coffee. Now I'm blogging & soon will be signing off.

Baby Shower today @ 3.
Party tonight at 9.
Tomorrow: final paper for my class & cleaning of the grand Casa de Lainey-Paney.
Tis all for now. Peace out.

It's a Major Award!

And it's fra-gi-le!
(that one's for you, Pam....)

I got a major award! Thanks Green Mountain Country Mama!



Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The 411


So....what started out as a class assignment...over a year ago...has turned out to be a class assignment for this semester as well. (work smarter, not harder...right?)

Well....with all of the work that I was doing in creating a "dream law", or "dream policy change"...I kind of thought----well, why not? Why NOT pursue it as a real law, a real policy change, and hopefully make a REAL difference---not just a grade.

And the next thing I know, things are set into motion, and my hands are shaking, and I'm meeting with a Texas State Representative, trying to explain to him why we need tougher laws about leaving children unattended in cars.

About 5 minutes into it, he said "Stop. Stop right there. I can't hear any more horror stories about kids today."

My heart skipped a beat.

I just knew that he was about to kick me out of his office b/c he was just DONE with this.

Quite the opposite.

The next thing out of his mouth, "Sold. I'm going to sponsor this."

He also admitted that until contact with me, he just ASSUMED that it was illegal to leave your kids in the car. Ergo my entire point about the lack of education to the general public that we even HAVE a law about this.

So....that's the deal.
He's sponsoring my dream law, and it will honor my know, if it passes. We discussed possible obstacles, some possible co-sponsors.... in the end he doesn't think it will be difficult to get it passed....AND, thanks to my strategerie (is that a word?) it will be going before the committee he vice-chairs.
I think it also hit home for him as a father of two young children. He has a son just a wee bit older than my nephew when he died.

I couldn't have asked for yesterday to go any better than it did.
After that, drove out to Rockwall & picked Gage up.
Ran to the grocery store for a cake & balloons for my sister. I chose blue & yellow for this cause. My nephew was blonde with blue eyes. Got cash for the tollway.
Drove ALL the way out to Frisco. I forgot how loooong of a drive that is...Surprised my sister & brother in law with the goodies.

You could not have peeled the smile off my face yesterday.

Until....5 o'clock traffic on I-30, a 3yo who had not taken a nap all day, and the adrenaline & endorphins were no longer pulsing through my veins in such large volumes like they had been earlier in the day. 5 o'clock is about the time I started to slow down...

When I got into bed last night, it took me a little bit to really unwind & relax. When I did....boy, was I ever exhausted. Just absolutely exhausted.

And maybe it's rude to say...I don't care at this point. I'm really proud of myself. This took a lot of hard work, and I did it. I know the bill hasn't passed yet, but so what? I'm done with the first step. What comes next? It will be filed by the state rep, and go through legislative council. They will assign a # to the bill, and then I can track it online. The rep has asked if I will be available this Spring...between February & April to come & give testimony supporting this bill.
You bet I will. If I have to rearrange Heaven & Earth, I will be there.

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I am exhausted.

I gave something ALL that I have, and it seems to have been enough.

Today though, I am exhausted.

Details coming soon.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Holy Cow...

Holy Cow, I can't believe it; I'm done with my power point. It's printed. It's saved. It's ready to rock-n-roll.

My law proposal for class & to meet with my state rep tomorrow: typed up & printed. ready to rock-n-roll.

30 minute presentation: tonight in class.

Meeting with TX State Rep: tomorrow morning.
I still need to print some data & information to support my argument for him to look over, and advise me accordingly....if I'm so lucky. I hope he doesn't just say, "Um, no, this will never pass...."
We'll just have to wait & see.

And Hubby: thank you so much for downloading the power point software for me! Without you....well, I couldn't have done the power point!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Don't You...doo-doo-doo-doo-doo...Forget About Me! work beckons. Lots and Lots of school work.
Oh, and then after, I'm meeting with one of the State Reps on Tuesday to talk about my policy proposal for school. How excited am I? Um, I'm not. Or, I am. I'm more nervous than anything!

So, today (Friday), and Monday will be devoted to school work.
I have to give a 30 minute presentation to the class on Monday night about my proposed bill/policy change....and um, I have to make a power point. Can I just say---Loser that I am, I have never made a power point. I just spent about 20 minutes looking on my computer for the flippin' program to even MAKE a power point.

Here's me: are you picturing me? Yes, that's me right there behind the curve!
I've got my work cut out for me, so if I'm not around---don't blame me.
If I am around: rag my ass about procrastination, mmmmkay?

Peace Out.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ants & Butterflies

Gage: "Ants are just so mean. I like butterflies. They are berry nice. Ants need to have a good attitude."

Yes, buddy, they DO need to have a good attitude.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Biggest Loser, Anyone?

Can I just tell you how ready I am for Vicky to go home?
I cannot stand her.

Sad thing for Brady....but I was secretly thinking "whoohoooo, rockin' Ms.Vicky's world!"
After Vicky going, I'd like to see Heba outta there.

But---Brady in the very end...him at home---he looks so much better.

In all of the drama this season, I've so been Team Phil, mostly b/c I really liked his wife. She just seems like a really good person.

I just don't really care for the Blue Team---except for Amy on that team. I'm so rooting for the Black Team!

Tagged by ShoeAddict!

My bloggy friend, ShoeAddict, tagged me for this. It's a one-word-wonders meme: answering one word questions but not with one word answers.

1. Clothes- I'm all over the place. My staples: jeans, flip-flops, tees.
...oh, and then there are work clothes, but I'd rather wear my staples!
2. Furniture- I dunno....I like my stuff. I don't know what my "style" is...
3. Sweet- dark chocolate
4. City- I like New Orleans, and Chicago...
5. Drink- yes.??? Mimosas---mas por favor. Mas Mimosas ahora!
6. Music- yes please? I like lots of different music...and I like it loud. You know, if I like it. I like a lot of different stuff from Enya to Rap...I'm really all over the board on this one.
7. TV Series- Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy...
8. Film- Shag. Is there really a better movie? (don't answer that...I'm just sayin', that one is one of my favorites)
9. Workout- mmmm, no thanks.
10. Pastries- red velvet cupcakes, please.
11. Coffee- yes. and lots of it. lots of cream, lots of sugar.
12. Eyeshadow- not daily....
13. Lips- yes, I have two.
14. Shampoo- CatWalk Oatmeal & Honey; smells like cake batter.
15. Moisturizer- varies. I have a few that I like. Favorite: oil-free facial lotion by Clinique.


Movie Reviews....

Shoot Em Up
starring....Clive Owen.
# of men suffering a violent death by a carrot: 2
# of lactating hookers: 1
# of stupid cliches written into the story line at god-awful times: countless.
# of times I commented about my concern for the baby: countless.
# of times Hubby reminded me "It's just a movie": countless.
I can say---this is the worst movie I have ever seen in its entirety.
Why did I continue to watch? There's this soft part of me that wanted to see that the baby was okay in the end. EVEN THOUGH I know, it was just a movie, & for a large portion of the movie, Clive Owen isn't even carrying around a real baby.
Topping the charts for worst scene: the love scene where the lactating hooker climaxes as Clive Owen is is both screwing her & shooting a room full of bad guys. And to top it all off, when he's done he says, "Talk About Shooting Your Load."
The writers, directors, and all participants ought to be so very embarrassed.

Made of Honor
...starring Patrick Dempsey.
Typical chick flick.
best scene: when Patrick Dempsey's dad gets married for the 6th time, and the tune as she walks down the aisle is "GoldDigger" by Kanye West. Oh, I laughed my fanny off at that.

Get Smart
...starring Anne Hathaway & Steve Carell
somewhat entertaining, but Hubby & I both agree that we were just expecting a bit more. I dunno...maybe our expectations were just too high.

The Happening
I didn't actually watch this. I don't like any movies that deal with the end of the world, and I was afraid that this movie was about that. Hubby said that they wanted you to believe that...but then it wasn't about that....and I'm trying not to give too much away here. Hubby's review was that it was just a big letdown. He says "Skip It."


Laine's Just Sayin'

...does the Abercrombie & Fitch store have mandatory cologne spray sessions every hour on the hour?
....or maybe they have some type of tubing system that releases a constant stream of the shit into the air at all times.

A little goes a long way A&F. I'm just sayin'....


Monday, November 10, 2008

...Major Award....

Thanks Elaine, for my major award!


Saturday, November 08, 2008

My Smile Finder...

...Gage is always my smile finder.

Today's rap:
"I like Pepsi, and I cannot lie;
You othah brothahs can't deny,
When your mom walks in with a 2 liter bottle
& a sippy cup in your face
You want some!"
....okay, I always swore that I would not be one of those moms who let their kid drink soda from a bottle or sippy cup. Well, I never put soda in my kid's bottle...but, I will give him soda in a sippy. Call me a bad mom. I don't really care.

So, last night was our 5 year anniversary.
In light of all the recent happenings around here, we just didn't really feel like keeping our reservations for the annual anniversary dinner at Hattie's. So, we ended'll love this....eating at Luby's & then running to the video store. We rented so many movies that we earned a free 2 liter bottle of Pepsi. So, that's where the rap comes in. And, feel free to dance around your own house, belting it out to the tune of 'Baby Got Back.' Lord knows there has been PLENTY of it around here between me & Gage.

Life has a sick, sick, sick, twisted sense of humor sometimes. 5 year anniversary. What's the gift for 5 years? Wood. I picked up Eddie's ashes in his wooden urn box yesterday on our 5 year anniversary. I hope the gift for 6 years isn't like a Bentley or something. As much as I'd love to have one---I'd end up getting run over by one instead. That's just kind of the way things work out sometimes...

Over the past....mmmm....week....or lifetime....whatever.....I've been kind of dwelling on the negative side of things. At least I recognize the problem. Oh, it's admitting the problem. You know---whatever the "first step" is. Anyway, back to my point: I'm ready for 2008 to end. I've pretty much decided that the family newsletter this year will be a photograph of me & Hubby giving the finger, and the caption will read "F*** You, 2008. Bring on 2009!"
....of course, that may be a direct challenge to Life, and we may get bitch slapped in 2009, so maybe we shouldn't....

So....I already mentioned what we did last night..., trip to the mall...late lunch/early dinner at a restaurant in Lakewood called "Angelo's", and then a trip to the park. Now we're home.

Angelo's Review....because I feel obligated to do so:
- There's $57 I can't get back.
- If you are going to coat all of the ingredients of my dish in red pepper flakes, why not mention them AS AN INGREDIENT on the menu? I would have loved to know, meal, but my lips were so on fire, that it didn't really work out for me. When I told the waiter that tad bit of information, his response was, "Oh."
- When your first response at a new restaurant is "WE should write Gordon Ramsay for that show KITCHEN NIGHTMARES. I wonder what he could do with this place." ....well, when that's your first impression to the restaurant, maybe it's just better if you get tea, appetizers, and move on.
- The problem with trying a new place on a whim: you haven't really done any research. It can look like a $$$$ place, and not be that expensive. It can look like a $-$$ place, and end up costing a lot more. Welcome to Angelo's. It looked like it would likely cost less than Sbarro Pizza, but really, the cheapest thing on the menu is over $12. Oh---wait. That's not right. You can get a soda or tea for less than $12.
Okay...there's my review on Angelo's.
Don't Miss It! or Skip It! ????

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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Eddie Spaghetti

Our Eddie died today.
That picture above was taken last March when it snowed here.
My heart just aches, and we will miss him so much.
Today was one of the hardest days of my life.

Eddie Spaghetti... 7/6/99 - 11/6/08
We will miss you more than you will ever know, Eddie.
I am so sorry...


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama won.

Not that this is any kind of late breaking news...
...and, if you happen to be reading MY blog for political updates, well...then you're an idiot. Because I fall VERY short of reporting the national & global news. The news I report: local. As in, that which takes place in or around the Casa de Lainey Paney.

anywhooooo...I voted yesterday. 15 minutes roundtrip. That included drive time to & from my polling station, time to check in, time for questions, and time to vote. No lines. I'm so lucky.

So...happy day after election day.

Whether you like Obama or not, you must admit that he is an entertaining & charismatic speaker. And---tell me why I teared up during his speech? I hate to use the ol' cliche of "being a mom changes everything," but it does. I suddenly could feel the excitement for him from a mom's point of view, from a wife's point of view, and from a daughter's point of view....
And, being the sap that I am, I feel bad for the losers too. I understand that there has to be a winner & a loser. I get that. I just....feel bad. I can only imagine how badly each of them wanted this, and the great let down that it must be to not win.
And then....I wonder what McCain's wife is like....say, the morning AFTER the election? I mean, is she thinking, "okay, what the f*ck are we going to do today?" Do they just...go home? And then what???

Let's talk fashion for a minute....
Biden's wife: while you may look good in HighLighter Yellow, I really would have chosen a different color for her. Not supposed to be HER day...she should have chosen something a bit more muted. McCain's wife: loved the outfit, loved the color, loved the hair. Completely wrinkle free, and I swear I had this thought after watching her walk off the stage: I wonder how long she's been STANDING since putting that outfit on. There are ZERO wrinkles, so you know that she has not sat down once since getting dressed.... know me---I really think about & examine the important things in life...

I know that we all know the outcome of this election now. But, regardless of who you voted for, or who you wanted to win, I just think it was a very very very exciting time for all of us. We were either going to have a woman as VP or a minority as President. It's just remarkable how far we've come.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Fun at Lakewood Park

Sunday afternoon, I took Gage over to Lakewood Park for some fun.


Sunday Morning Brunch....

Sunday started with a few of us gals heading over to the Another Byte Cafe nearby...
I can't ever seem to remember the name.
I've called it the Byte-Me Cafe...
...and the After-Byte Cafe....
But, it is in fact called Another Byte.

The kids had a blast playing...

They were setting up for some pet adoption thing... of course, Aubri had to try out the crates...

By the end, Aubri's little clothes were filthy, but she had a great time....


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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Saturday, 11/1/8...the longest day in history.

Okay, so the post title may not EXACTLY be true...but I can assure you, at the Casa de Lainey Paney, it was a pretty freakin' long day.

And if you are Gage, Saturday was an AWESOME day.

Let's see....Gage woke to play outside with Mommy before breakfast...came inside & assisted in the kitchen. We made Kool-Aid & muffins for breakfast. Okay, not really Kool-Aid for breakfast....we made Kool-Aid b/c Gage likes to make it, but he doesn't really like to drink it...we made muffins for breakfast.

And then.....Mommy took Gage to a Fall Festival at a co-worker's church. It was kind of a drive (all the way out in Arlington!), but it was a good time.

Gage had the BEST time playing this little game. We played this...oh gosh, at least 5 times. It's called "Pin the Piggies". You have these little crates in a circle, and pink "piggie" balloons. You have a fly-swatter that you use to swat those little piggies into their crates.

And yes...there was even some tricycle racing...

After the three hot dogs, two sprites, and hours of fun in the sun, we headed home. I hoped Gage would nap on the way home...but that didn't really work out in my favor., we came home to a house that was cleaner than when we left it. Thanks, Hubby!

We made plans with some of the Mom Scouts for a family get together...but, before we left, Gage & Mommy had to have a little jumpin' on the bed fun!

Pam, Tera, Me, & Leslie...

Possible best conversation of the evening:
Gage: "Can I have some more apple juice?"
Tera: "No, your Mommy drank it all as a chaser following her tequila shot!"
Gage: "What's a chaser?"

....okay, so that last sentence didn't really happen...and yes, I took 1/2 a shot of tequila. Hey---Mark & Pam just got back from Cancun & brought it to Nathan & Tera b/c they took care of their dogs while they were out of town....Truly, I have not had Tequila since the 90s. So, I had 1/2 a shot of tequila.

And while I would love to blame the tequila for me getting on a tricycle...but as you've already seen, I did it earlier in the day sober. So...maybe I just ride tricycles with my kid b/c I'm just THAT COOL!

I'm not the only cool mom on the block...

And...we aren't the only cool kids on the block...Daddy got in on a little of the 3-wheel action...

UNTIIIIILLLL....he took a corner too quickly, and it didn't end well for Hubby...

Concrete is not all that forgiving at his age...

Hubby took Gage home around 10:20, and Gage was happily snuggled up in our bed with Daddy when I got home an hour later.

It was a very long, but fun filled day.

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