Just so you know, whoever thinks Mick Jagger is sexy...well, those people are just complete morons. He's like the anti-sexy.

Just so you know, whoever thinks Mick Jagger is sexy...well, those people are just complete morons. He's like the anti-sexy.
Labels: Gage
Memma gave Gage an Easter basket...well, really, I think she intended for him to get it on or a little closer to Easter...but Daddy left it in the living room...just in his reach.
Labels: Gage
Labels: Gage
Labels: Gage
"Why, no're NEVER too young for chores! Now get out there & blow those leaves!"
Labels: Gage
Soliciting Advice...
So, yesterday morning...I gave Baby Gage a jar of "Blueberry Buckle" baby food as part of his breakfast.
Labels: Gage
Sorry I haven't blogged much lately...
Labels: Gage
Baby Gage LOVES to dance! Loves it! He'll dance to anything. Here's the music to some TV commercial...within seconds, he was up on his feet dancing along...
Labels: Gage
So, at our house, we switched rooms with Baby Gage. And now, now we are painting the new nursery.
Labels: home decor, House
So, when we got back from SLC, we got home at like 10 or 11 at night. We really kind of dumped our suitcases wherever...but, we both had to work the next morning, so we had them all open & just had crap strewn everywhere.
Labels: Trips
On Wednesday, our last day in SLC, we went to the Salt Lake Art Center.
So, first we went to lunch at this place called Costa Vida.
3/13/7...after our scenic drive through the Provo Canyon....we ended up at Soldier Hollow (FINALLY!)
So....yesterday we had some new "firsts"...
Labels: Gage
So, I recently read someone vent about telemarketers annoying.
You know you are in grad school when....
Labels: School
For some reason, I've had NO patience lately.
Still working on school work.