Good morning.
It's Monday.
Of course, being the proud mama that I am...I have pictures from the weekend...
Baby Gage on the new rug we bought for the living room.
(Baby Gage needed something softer than hard wood floors for crawling!)

Baby Gage had his first St.Patrick's Day! Daddy dressed him in the Tulane outfit that Allen wore when he was little, & I went to Tulane.

And Eddie was playing in the living room with us...

And, pardon the mess by the front door...diaper bags from Memaw's house, and the trash can to go outside. I assure you--it's all been picked up now...but Friday night when the picture was taken---well, it was sitting there by the door.
Whatever. I'm a busy woman with a baby!'s the picture of Baby Gage stepping across the living room. He LOVES to walk if you hold his hands. So, he's really just stepping along...

Mom & David came to visit on Saturday.
Here's Gage & PawPaw

Somehow--I have no pics of Mom & Gage. Mom had her camera there too, and I took lots of picture w/ her camera. So, she'll have to share those w/ me b/c I have none of her with the baby over the weekend.
While they were visiting--Baby Gage had his first Biter Biscuit. What a mess. He stamped PawPaw & Memma with cookie remnants. I swear--the cookie somehow goes into his mouth whole--but once you add baby saliva, you've somehow created the recipe for brown spackle. That gloppy goo gets on everything, and dries harder than concrete. What a mess! But, he enjoyed the Biter Biscuit, and therefore, we just give them to him.
It was so rainy over the weekend.
And of course, last night, after work, I had to stop @ the grocery store to get diapers on my way home. Oh, what fun.
Watched Sopranos last night. I hate it when they do those artsy-fartsy dream episodes.
Watched Grey's Anatomy last night. Damon said that he saw a snipit on some tv program that one of them was going to reveal that they were bisexual. Well, if that happened--then I missed it.
...but, that leads me to MY dream last night. Oh, it was just horrible!
And, for those that really know me/my family & some history...this will be ironic.
So, I had this dream that Damon & I lived in the south somewhere, on a dock. Like we lived in Florida or something. Right outside of our apartment door was a wooden dock & the ocean. Anyway--in my dream, we were not yet married, and did not have Baby Gage. We were engaged. We had just gotten back from a vacation with my mom & dad to Hawaii. (so...I guess my parents were still married...) Anyway...I walked into our apartment (which had poor lighting throughout my dream...) & Damon told me that he thinks he's gay & tries to get me to watch gay porn. TIMEOUT: for those that know my husband, this seems VERY out of character for him... So then, he tells me that he doesnt like women, but he likes me. My reaction: I immediately turn off the gay porn on the TV b/c it's gross. Then, I start thinking: all this time I was worried about you checking out women, and really you've been checking out the men...why did you propose to me if you're gay??...have you cheated on me with any men?...why are you telling me this now? this is information I could have used a while ago!...did I make you gay??? So then, in my dream--he tells me that he'll continue to have sex with me for my benefit, but he's going to start sleeping with men. I tell him that wont be necessary (the having sex with me part), and start worrying about where I'm going to live. I was worried about paying the bills myself. I started apartment hunting. I didnt have the option of moving back in with my parents, because they lived far away.
That was the end. He was sitting in OUR apartment with bad lighting--& he was gay.
I was driving around looking for a place to live.
Okay---dream analysis.
I have no idea what it, feel free to analize it & let me know.
What else???
I need some nail polish remover to take this polish off my fingernails. It's starting to chip & look a little trailer-ish.
Oh...Damon's been on this kick about Bed Bugs.
We saw an episode of "King of Queens" where they got Bed Bugs.
Then, he saw 2 more shows: one a documentary, the other was on the news, about Bed Bugs. I've been listening to him go on & on about these stupid little bugs for days now! Well, last night on Nightline or Dateline or some newsy show--it had a little portion of the show about Bed Bugs. Damon recorded it for me. OMG! GROSS! I was all itchy by the end of the show. GRRRRROOOSS, gross, gross. I dont know that I'll ever be able to stay in a hotel again. I could not imagine. It's like getting a tick. I got a tick when we went camping...and YES, that was the last time I'll go camping. Like a big ol' gray dog tick. Nasty, nasty, nasty. I dont like ticks, or fleas, or lice, or BED BUGS! ...and, they arent just in hotels---they were found in university dorm rooms too. Oh, that's it...Baby Gage just might have to stay at home. And no spending the night with friends ...or by that time--girlfriends. Uh-uh. No way. No how. NO BED BUGS.
"Good Night. Sleep Tight. Dont let the Bed Bugs bite."