So, I tried to do this whole "suburban life" thing... Gage & I were stoked to load up the wagon with a picnic basket & blanket. We were all going to walk down to the playground, which we'd just passed when driving into the neighborhood. It was hopping with families. So, as soon as Daddy got home---that's what we all did.
Um---newsflash: 6pm is apparently dinner time for anyone & everyone out in suburbia, and NOBODY was at the park. And apparently pizza was the dinner of choice for most of the people around us, b/c I couldn't count the # of times we saw pizza delivery cars drive by. {which, is actually promising b/c I didn't even think we could GET pizza delivered all the way out here...}
Anyway....we had a good time, but I'm still going to have to get the hang of this whole "suburbia" thing.
Oh---and speaking of suburbia/"the sticks"....neighbors??? What's up with all the neighbors? We've only met the people next door, and really I've only met the husband part of that duo. I've seen the wife part, but she's never said anything to me. We just wave. Everyone else: I see their cars come & go. I see the garage doors go up, they park, and the door is closed before I ever see anyone get out. Where in the world is the "Bree" of this Wisteria Lane? Where's our "welcome to the neighborhood, neighbor!"????
I know---I'm being incredibly presumptuous to think that anyone should welcome us to the neighborhood or give us a basket of muffins or something. That's soooooooo not want I'm trying to portray....I'm just saying---isn't it better that they come to us & say "hi" & introduce themselves, or should I just go & introduce us? I don't know!
when Tera & Nathan moved in across from us---we went over there. We said, "hey, here's this young couple that's moved in by us, let's go say 'hi'." WE did the welcoming, and WE did the introducing.
On the flip side: Hubby took Gage for a bike ride one day, and got to talking with this mom in our neighborhood (down the way, and around the corner). Mom of 3., chat, chat.... turns out, she knows me! Says that we went to school together, told Hubby to tell me "hi."
Guess what????
Hubby can't remember her name. He's come up with a few variations with some of the same consonant sounds---but he's not really sure WHAT her name is.
Here's what I have to go on: "She's blonde, has 3 kids, and I think her husband's name is Nick."
I think I may have it figured out---but, what if I'm wrong.
Do I just stop by her house to see if I'm right? Really---this person was always a very nice person, and I would be delighted if it's her! But, what if it's not. What if the person answers the door, and I don't have a clue who it is??? Or what if it's someone that I didn't particularly care for in the past???
Oh, the drama.
So, I'm done with my ranting for today.
I'll leave you with these picnic pics (although none of them actually reflect that we sat & had a picnic, but I promise---we did).

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