So....Saturday, we all loaded up, and went to Blueberry Hill in Edom, TX.
We went last year, and this was our return trip. So Much Fun!

...and who knows what time it was when we were finally done...

{okay, we saw this clock "tower" on top of a bank. it caught our eyes, and it was funny to us...}
After that...another swimming know, hanging out in & around the pool, sipping on smoothies {hello! we had fresh blueberries! So, I made smoothies with bananas, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, OJ, ice, and rum! Yum!!!}

Yes, that's a Shih Tzu on a float. That's the neighbor's dog, Suphie. {soooophie, not sophie.}
"Git it, PawPaw!"

So....what was next? After the swimming, the boys wanted to set up the Slip-n-Slide on the hill in Darnin' & PawPaw's backyard. {Again, Thank you, Jessica, Blaine, B, A, & S! We love the Slip-n-Slide! Have Slip-N-Slide, Will Travel!}

Hey Darnin'---How's that Slip-n-Slide treating ya? FYI: you're doin' it wrong. Did you even read the warning at the starting point? On your belly, silly!!!

More backyard fun was to follow...

That's Gage's 'I-just-got-hit-with-a-ball-but-it-didn't-really-hurt' look...

That's Gage's 'Serious-about-throwing-the-ball-back' look...
Trystan had fun climbing the trees...

And PawPaw made his famous PawPaw burgers....and BBQ'd chicken...on his new grill.

Of course the boys had to get wet all over again, so they played in the sprinkler in their undies! {oh, to be a kid again...}

And THEN---Tiff & I got "Grab Bags" from PawPaw. He'd been out shopping during the day, and put together these super fun bags of goodies for us! It was so sweet, and unexpected, and FUN! {like being a kid again! ...well, except for the part where I got to discipline my own child for throwing the world's largest fit b/c he didn't want me to open a gift, and come to find out it was all because he was jealous that I got a gift & he didn't...Gage---sometimes it gets to be about Mommy!}

Now---pardon the blurriness of the pictures. My mom took them. She'll even admit to this---she can pick up a camera and just totally jack up the pictures. {you know I still love you, Darnin'}

After that....a few of us were hanging out in Mario's room: PawPaw, Me, Trystan, & Gage. We taught PawPaw all about SpongeBob & his friends. Good times....
...then off to sleep. Oh, I assure you---it was great fun sleeping in a full-sized-bed with a 7 year old & a 3 year old. Gage wanted Trystan to sleep with him, but didn't want me to go anywhere, so we all slept together. It was....a long night.
Sunday: off to Palestine to my great-uncle's wife's 90th birthday.
Really---she could have taken me or left me. Made her no difference whatsoever that I went. Her comments kind of reminded me of that Maxine cartoon. {FYI: if I live to be 90, I want dancing & drinking at my party. I'm just sayin'....}

So, that's the birthday gal, bottom right.
That's my grandmother to the left. Most of the others---yeah, I don't know how I'm kin to them {reminds me of that Robert Earl Keen Christmas, um...could someone run to the Stop-N-Go, we need some celery & a can of fake snow!}
Mostly, Tiff & I played with the kiddos on the playground behind the back building of the church. {oh yeah---we probably shouldn't have my 90th birthday party at the church...I'm just sayin'}

And I failed to get a pic of my mom with all her sisters.
After the birthday party, we headed to a fast food restaurant, and ate while the kids played. We lost track of time just a chatting, and we all had to hit the road! Drove back to big D from Palestine, and I swear we got behind every slow idiot out there. But, we all made it home safely, and life was good!
{Oh---Tiff & Trystan, I have Trystan's floatie-swimsuit-armor in my car! Oooops!}
Labels: Family, Gage