So, our little neighborhood group of moms/friends is now going to be officially named, "The Mom Scouts".
Leslie will be the "Activity Director" & "Secretary". She's always good at making plans for us, researching stuff for us, etc.
Tera will be the "Recruitment Chair" and "Community Liasian" because without her, we wouldn't have all come together.
Pam is the "Creativity Director" and "Honorary Mom" because according to Gage, "she didn't get a baby" and she's "snuggly" like a Mom. [to note, Mark & Pam aren't ready for kids yet...]
Stephanie will be the "Member at Large".
And, I only think it's fitting that I get to be the President, because our whole group wouldn't have started if (1) One day I didn't just cross the street & go ask Tera to do something with me since we were both moms & bored at home, and even though we didn't know each other very well I just knew that we'd be friends, and (2) Hello! I just totally named us.
.......okay, yes, I'm a total dork. Whatever.
Now, since we're scouts, we're going to need sashes & patches for some of this shit. Like, "I let the OB cut my guts open to bring you into this world, and all I got was this flippin' patch! ...and a lifetime of responsibility"-Patch.
Or...the "I squeezed you out of my va-jay-jay. Now where's my patch?"-Patch.
Or the..."I potty-trained this beastie baby & only had to throw away 12 pairs of UnderRoos in the process!"-Patch.
Ahhhh...glorious parenthood. You gotta Love it!
So...Wednesday: Sol's for lunch. Gage & I had FAJITAS! Yum!
Pam & Leslie
Aubri & Tera
Sadie-Bug Lady Bug!
So.........that was Wednesday. After they all worked out, we met at Sol's for lunch.
After that...Gage & I had some errands to run!
Which means, I need to back up a little bit. Tuesday afternoon, I took Gage to Party City & let him pick out his own birthday party theme. This is the first year I've let him do that b/c in the past, he just...well, you know...he was little & didn't verbalize much interest.
So, he's chosen to have an "Army Dude" party. How cool? I'm very excited & of course, my creative juices just started flowing. I've got all kinds of ideas!!!
So, at Party City we went ahead & bought a few things but their invitations totally sucked. And, slacker mom that I am, I have not been on top of the situation, and I have not already ordered the, that's why I was at Party City checking out the stock.
So...then, on Wednesday morning, Gage woke up, ran around the house, and seemed like he was looking for something. He slowed down & kind of hung his head & said to me in the most pitiful little voice, "Nobody's here at my party." Oh, bless his little heart!!! We got the big calendar off the fridge & talked about how the party was 30 days away, and we counted out 30 squares... So, he knows that his party is coming up, it's just not party day yet. fast forward to after lunch on Wednesday...we ran to Walgreen's to pick up some pics that I had printed for the invitations. We ran to Michael's or MJDesigns or whatever it's called now, to get some paper for the invitations. And then----then we ran to the Pet Store next door on Greenville Avenue. We got FISH! We are the proud new parents of 7 goldfish. It's crazy to me how they all look different. And, a few of them have distinct little fishy personalities coming out. One of the smallest is actually the greediest of the lot.
Wednesday night: Pam came over with her paper cutter to help me make the invitations. She ROCKS! I never would have been able to crank them out so quickly without her. And, Nathan (Tera's husband) has a b-day coming up, so Tera brought Aubri over for Pam to watch. The kids played & we did the invites, and then we looked up & Nathan & Tera were back from their sushi dinner (*yuck!*)...
So...then yesterday was Thursday, 8/28/8.
My friend Ginger had her twins!!!!
Emory & Dean are here.
I live about 10 minutes away from the hospital. I couldn't be 10 minutes away from these perfect little boys & not go see them!!!! When I got there, Gin was still recovering from her c-section, and the boys were in the nursery & they were just a few minutes old. One is 7 pounds 6 or 7 ounces, and the other was 6 pounds 2 ounces.
The "big" one has darker hair...not a whole lot, but some...and it's not real dark. The "small" one has light hair. He's small, but has a perfectly sweet little round face. Anyway....they're all still at the hospital & when I spoke with Gin's dad last night after I'd gotten back home, everyone was still okay. The boys were going to be put on CPAP after I left last night for fluid on their lungs...but I'm sure they can overcome that!
I tell you what...I got to that nursery window & I just teared up.
It's just amazing that I have known Ginger the longest out of all of my friends. And now, we're both moms. I remember spending the night at her house when we were younger & eating Luigi Italian Ices in front of the TV in their living room & watching Nick at Night. I remember her purple & white bedroom & putting on as much make up as humanly possible just because it was fun. I never could have mentally flashed forward to see the future & know that I'd be standing at a nursery window with her parents and husband watching her sons that were only a few minutes old.
I just made me so happy & tearful.
Just keep Gin & Emory & Dean in your prayers that they all breathe well & have a speedy & painless recovery! (...or as painless as it can be after you've just had twins...)
.......and the final thing to post about (b/c today's post just hasn't been long enough, has it?)........GAGE'S BIRTHDAY INVITATIONS!
So, it's not the perfect picture of the invitation, and certain parts have been covered up...but here is one of them...
Some are on olive green paper, and some are on tan & brown paper. I printed them at home & I'm pretty proud of them!
On the agenda for today/this weekend: new cell phone. Mine keeps screwing's crap. New digital camera research. I have had my Olympus Camedia (which I've LOVED) since I was pregnant with Gage. It's really starting to crap out, again. I've already sent it in for repair once. I was trying to take pics of Gin's babies yesterday...I was so out-tech'd by the others. Their cameras rocked & mine...well, it didn't, mmmkay. Hubby located our closes Ritz Camera shop & I'm going to go there today or tomorrow & compare a few that I like...what features do I want (I mean, NEED) & what do I want to spend...etc.
Wish me luck!
Labels: Friends, Gage