The Weekend.
So, I had to work on Saturday.
I thought it would be rough following the Friday Night Mimosa-Fest...well, that's what I drank while others drained The Ol' 59er...
Surprisingly--not a rough day at all. I was up by 6 & out the door AFTER loading the dishwasher.
Look at me, I'm WONDER-WOMAN!
Anyway...worked Saturday & got the ball rollin' on training a new employee.
Went home to the most magnificent dinner: Beef Wellington!

That's husband is a wonderful cook & he made me Beef Wellington.
It only took him 3 hours, start to finish.
I'm worth it, right???
Who am I kidding? He enjoys cooking, and enjoys the challenges of complicated dishes.
So, Saturday night I had a lovely dinner! Complete with this red wine & portobello mushroom dipping sauce. Oh!So!Perfect!
So, then Sunday rolls around & we make some quick plans to cook out.
Leslie can only stop by b/c they have a baby shower in BFE (read: the suburbs).
Stephanie & her crew are in Mineral Wells, AND she's down with that nasty tummy virus that has been going around.
Chad & Malayna (will be new to this group....but they were invited!) had tickets to the RuffRiders game in BFE (read: the suburbs).
So, who's in: Me, Hubby, Gage, Pam, Mark, Tera, Nathan, & Aubri.
(and Leslie & Sadie for a few minutes!)
There was of course, lots of swinging...
Bless Aubri's little heart. She was having a rough day. She & Nathan only lasted a little while...or rather, Aubri only lasted a little while & her daddy took her home. Some days are like that.
Leslie & Sadie stopped by after their baby shower, and whoa! She was one HOT MAMA! Next to them, we were all grossly underdressed!
Couldn't you just YUM her up???!!!!
Baby Gage was rockin' the faux-hawk.
There was dinner....ribs with Rendezvous Rib rub, straight from Memphis.
And there were delicious cupcakes!
They were yummy. I was talking about them earlier today at work. They were chocolate cake mix with a can of cherry pie filling baked in there. Yummmm! And the presentation was perfect as well. Way to go, Pam!
There was much backyard fun!
There was swinging, socializing, Baby Gage tossing (as pictured above), baseball, and golf....
And yes, I still feel the need to explain the brown stripe in the grass: I left the slip-n-slide out there for...SEVERAL days (maybe a week...I forget). Hubby was out of town on a business trip, and when he returned, he was pretty close to wringing my neck for that. I fully expected the grass to just perk up with water & a few days worth of sunlight. far that STILL hasn't happened. Whoops!
The cheering fans in the stands:
Even I played...and I ran the invisible bases like a big ol' goober. Clearly, my kid was not amused. Pam sure was though!
So...the evening ended pretty early.
After that, Gage & Eddie had a pillow fight in the living room. Gage won.
Gage flossed his teeth for about 20 minutes.
He was so proud of himself.
And, we all turned in a little early. That was good.
The last thing I saw was Shawnn Johnson do her floor routine, and then it was lights out!
Rainy today... And I get to stay home on Tuesday & Wednesday. W'hoo!
We had a big old rainy day today, too - enjoy being home tomorrow and Wednesday - I'm actually heading back to work tomorrow - EEKS!
Well, you're definitely eating well! Beef Wellington!
Enjoy your stay-at-home days.
(Your pictures in today's post are simply showing up as red blocks - except for the Beef Wellington. Strange.)
Sounds like a terrific weekend. I love all the pictures....including the one of you running the are too much fun!
Ummm, my invite for the fantabulous backtad fun must have gotten lost in the mail?
The Beef Wellington look siper delicious! I hear it's a hard thing to make. The only thing my hubs cooks/bakes for me are cookies. ;o)
I am so glad that you all enjoy the "cuppie-cakes" - Mark was thrilled to know that there were 6 left at home just for him. I look for any excuse to make those yummy things. Did your hubs beat you to the left-over cupcakes at your house???
I hope you guys are having a great week. Thank you again for the baseball/ bbq fun at your house!
Wow! Fun party! I almost ran those invisible races with you just there!
I am trying to catch up here, but it looks life things are well with you and your lovely family.
Take care and enjoy your days off this week,
What a great weekend! Look what a big kid you are. How much fun! Those kinds of get togethers are simply the best. Fun, fun!
Twenty minutes?!! At least he's thorough! :)
OMG. YOU take the BEST pictures!!!! I love that one of you running the bases. That pic alone plus cupcakes and the fact that you enjoy mimosa's tells me we'd be pals from the word go. AND good lawd that beef wellington looks FABULOUS!!! My hubby was talking about trying one of those. OH how I hope he does....mmmmmmmm.
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