So.....last Wednesday, 6/25....we had a pretty eventful morning....before the Bubble Gum video!
The day started with the best of intentions for several of us to take our kids to the story time at Northpark Mall. There's a kiddie library there at the mall.
So...we bust our fannies to get there in time. I was driving on a donut spare tire at the time, so needless to say, I was late. (background on that: hole in the tire, it's on the side, couldn't patch it, had to order a new tire. these tires are not old at all, so only had to replace one, but the tire wasn't in yet...drove to Northpark on a donut---back roads only.)
Anyway----we get to the story hour, and it's crazy. There are kids & strollers everywhere. Attendance is so high that they don't even hold the story hour in the library---they hold it out in the main area of the mall. Gage didn't want to sit up with the kids without me. I didn't want to walk into this sea of kids. There wasn't room for all of us. Leslie's dtr is too little---she could care less about the story. Aubri was flat-out anti-story hour, and so---we didn't stay long.
Instead, we ventured on down to the kid's library.
It was Gage's first trip to the library!

He was more interested in running around & playing than he was in library books and reading...

Let's see....after that, we hit the Babystyle store since they are closing.
I got Gage a 4T long sleeved shirt for the Fall. It was only $6 (well, five bucks & some change...)
As I'm in there shopping---Tera takes Aubri & Gage over to the Puzzle Zoo store where Gage wanted to go play with the Thomas Table....
And that's when I hear Gage crying, and Tera calling my name, and Aubri crying. I gave the shirt & money to Leslie to check out for me.
Why? Gage was busted for shop-lifting.
He stole a cow.
My son stole a cow.
Who steals a cow? Gage steals a cow.
He wanted it. He wanted to show me. He wanted to ask me to get him a cow.
What's odd: the Saturday before this, we were at the Puzzle Zoo store. From about Saturday to the Wednesday when all of this happened, he was talking about a cow. I didn't know what toy he was talking about....
Well, I go out into the mall & Gage is walking toward me, embarrassed & heart-broken. Tera told me that he got busted stealing a cow. So, I took him back in the store to apologize & have a teaching moment about stealing. The lady at the store had the cow & let me hold it.
Well...the other situation: Gage was so...I dunno, shocked or whatever when it came to being "in trouble" by the "store ladies" who were "mad at [him]", that he just peed everywhere. He peed all over. He was in a pull-up! It leaked everywhere. And of course, I had no change of clothes b/c I thought we were past that!
I ended up grabbing a cheap pair of shorts at the BabyStyle store, buying Gage the cow (which he has slept with since last Wednesday), and then we all went to...

Can I just tell you how nasty I think this stuff is?
I mean, it sounds good---but in reality---not so much. If you want me to eat frozen yogurt, put some vanilla in it. I do not want unflavored frozen yogurt that you just sprinkle some blueberries on. Seriously. The stuff is nasty. And, it's entirely possible that my entire body recognized this product as "too nutritious", and rejected it entirely. That is certainly a possibility.
But of course, everyone else loved it.

(Look! They put his name on it! I didn't even notice...Leslie pointed it out. And--she taught me how to use my camera to take a picture of it close up. I was so excited!)

After know he fell asleep on the way home....

He slept for about 20 minutes, and then REFUSED to take a nap later....that's when we ran into the "I don't want to take a nap b/c I want bubble gum" situation.
Labels: Friends, Gage