
Well....Hubby had his surgery on Monday morning.
Back up to Friday night.
Some girlfriends & their hubbies came over for a Surgery Kick-Off Party!
Susan, Megan, & I all had the same idea: a Penis Cake!
So, Susan made it.
(in fact, she's got the flesh-toned icing recipe down...she's made quite a few of these...)
Pics from Friday night...
The cake
Susan, Hubby, & Megan
Eating Cake
Saturday was a lazy day at home...and then...we took Gage to Toys R Us. It was his first trip to Toys R Us ever. I just KNEW it was going to be awful & full of fits. Not so much. Gage was greeeaaat! You know who wasnt? Hubby. Seriously, if I had not been there to say, "No." & "Put that back"....he would have needed to TWO CARTS! He was very interested in getting Gage a Lego Police Station. There was an interrogation room, and a break room, and a whole arsenal of weapons....As soon as I read "600 PIECES!" I knew it was NOT for us! I have no intention of picking up 600 legos off the floor! And besides, it was for kids ages 6 and up. To which Hubby responds, "Well, 6 is not that far off! And besides, by the time he turns six, they won't even make this anymore!"
Anyway...what we got: a slide (GrandDaddy's Christmas gift to Gage. They were sold out during Christmas time...and then there were a million & one reasons why I hadn't gotten it sooner...but that's okay...right?), a light-up moon for Gage's room (it really is very cool!), some Army playset thing that I agreed to--against my better judgement (and I've been picking up little army dudes ever since....), the Elefun game (Gage played this at a birthday party recently, and he LOVED it. So, we got our own....money well spent!), and the biggest hit: his very own TRASH TRUCK. Or, that's what he calls it. The printing on the side of the truck indicates that it is a recycling truck...but, for him, it's all the same. He LOVES it!
So, that was Saturday evening...good times!
Sunday night, My mom came into town. She brought Allen & Mario with her. (Allen's 11, and Mario is...13...or 14? I forget.) Anyway, they are out for Spring Break, and Mom came in to help with our family during surgery time. And, we were due to check in for surgery at 5AM on Monday morning. 5AM. That's just...well, it's too damn early.
Sunday night, we had a big dinner, and the boys all played in the living room. Gage thought it would be a good idea to go down the slide face-first. Needless to say, it was NOT a good idea, and he got a weird blood-blister-bruise thing on his cheek. He did not learn his lesson, and has since gone down the slide at least 200x face-first. He has learned to lift his head up while doing so---evidence that he has the capacity to problem solve.
Monday morning came waaaaaaaaaay too early. Up at 4:15 to check in by 5. Since Hubby won't be able to drive for a while, he drove us there. Well...we've been to this hospital a million times before. I worked there for 5 years. At 5am, it's difficult to navigate your way anywhere. So, we somehow missed our turn....had to back-track, and checked in 9 minutes late. No biggie, right? Well....at about 5:30, they let us know that we'd checked into the wrong area. So, we had to go to another building & check in at the RIGHT spot. FINALLy it was our time. Surgery was scheduled for 7am....I forget what time he got in & got out, and all that jazz. But, my mother-in-law & step-father-in-law were there with me. My mom was at my house with Baby Gage. We passed the time by getting breakfast...eating...chatting....and before we knew it, the doctor was out & updating us. What they did: reshaped Hubby's bladder & bladder neck. His prostate was not the right shape, likely since birth, which in turn caused bladder problems. So, when they started cutting on the bladder neck, the prostate fell in on itself, and parts of 2 lobes had to be removed as well. We were fully prepared for this as well. The doc sent the tissue off for pathology, but he's already told us that he does not believe that Hubby has prostate cancer. He thinks that his abnormally shaped prostate has most likely been that way since birth. And now, he has a catheter going into his bladder (something NOT new to us in this journey). Yesterday, the doc said that if he had problems with the anesthesia or the pain, then we would spend the night in the hospital. But, if he was doing well, then we could come home. He's had problems with serious vomiting & being combative from the anesthesia in the past. This time, we talked with the doc ahead of time. He said that he gave Hubby 4 different meds to help with nausea. When Hubby went into recovery---nothing. He was doing sooooo well. He didn't throw up at all! It was great. And, he felt pretty good---considering... So, we came home. He went straight to bed. He did pretty well yesterday!!!
So, all went well.
Thanks for all of the prayers & well wishes! We are sooooo ready to put all of this behind us.
Labels: Fertility
I'm glad things went well. I hope all continues well. This area is very delicate make sure he follows doctor's orders and doesn't do too much too soon once he starts to feel better. Best of luck to you both.
P.S. I loved the penis cake! Great Idea!
I can't stop laughing at the cake! I hope everything continues to go as well as expected for your husband. At least he's still got his sense of humor through it all!
I am so glad to hear that the surgery went well.
HA! I had a penis cake at a bridal shower (yes I did!)...very cool!
Glad everything turned out so well!!! YAY!!!
Wonderful news!
And your trip to Toys R Us sounds par for the course - enjoy picking up those army dudes! I did it for years...
I am so glad things went well! That is so great!!
Huge sigh of relief. We're all so glad that you're all doing well. (Also, after spending an hour in a toy store this week, the one item 3B picked out to buy was a little trash truck. He can look down on the one that comes across the street from us and is fascinated, so yeah, we get where Gage is coming from.)
I hope all is now A OK with your hubby! Love the slide.
Love the penis cake. I am so glad that you can all have such a good sense of humor in all that is happening. And I am very happy he did well.
It looks like you have some incredible friends and family supporting you and your husband! Glad to hear that recovery went well.
Sending lots of healthy vibes to your house...make sure you take care of yourself and have a little down time...it is hard to mother everyone.
Loved the cake!!!!
Great news!
It looks like you guys have a great group of friends, that cake was hilarious. Laughter sometimes really is the best medicine.
so glad to hear her is finally doing okay.
umm was the penis cake pink inside? if so thats just wrong on soooo many levels
exactly how tall are you
i'm the hugest asshole after surgery!
Yay!! Glad things went well!
Yay!! Glad things went well!
I'm so glad to hear that things went well!
I am glad hubby is recovering well. And I love the cake. LOL!
So glad that things went well and pray that his recovery does as well.
Great cake!
Nothing like a little anatomical humor in your baking! Glad to hear the good news.
that cake is hilariously out of control. and you're right...she definitely has that flesh color down. =)
so thankful everything went well. hope he's having an easy and full recovery!
A penis cake...I love it....what great friends. So glad that surgery went well!!!!!
so glad it went well! blessings!
Okay, so I'm totally behind on my commenting, but Yay! Glad to hear things are better and he was a surgery champ and that cake was awesome!
I'm glad the surgery went well.
And what a creative bunch of bakers you are!
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