Michael Clayton

We loved it!
Marie Antoinette

I loved the movie, but thought the ending was lacking. But, I really really enjoyed the movie. And, the fact that I think the gardens of Versailles are perhaps the most beautiful place on Earth (certainly the most wonderful place I'VE ever been!) helped w/ regard to my enjoyment. I loved looking at the scenery & thinking back to my trip!
The Brave One

Loved it! It was great! Jodie Foster was great!

Loved this too! Parts of it were difficult to watch, but it was a great movie.
Black Snake Moan was different. It wasn't bad, but it was....different. I was into the story while watching it, but it's not anything I'd watch again...
Dirty Laundry

Had a feel-good ending. Parts were funny. Parts were sad.
John Tucker Must Die

Teeny-bopper kind of movie....but, I often like that crap. So, I thought it was cute.

Good movie...but, word of warning: don't watch this with anyone who is about to have surgery! (Hubby's surgery is tomorrow, and we just watched this movie a couple of nights ago...probably not a great idea...)
Death at a Funeral

OMG. Laugh-Out-Loud Funny. Loved it to bits!
Labels: Movies
I saw the Jodie Foster movie a few weekends ago, and I was just kind of so-so about it. We rented the Jane Austen Book Club this weekend and I thought it was good, I actually liked it better than the book, but I can't explain why.
I hope the surgery goes well tomorrow!! I'll be praying for you guys.
dang! you watched a lot of flicks! i also liked marie antionette. i like michael clayton but i didn't really feel like it was oscar-worthy. but george is always easy on the eyes!!
Have noted your recommendations - thanks!
All my best wishes for the surgery tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you all.
Hoping all goes better than planned tomorrow.
I can't even keep up with the kiddie movies out there, much less the "good" ones! LOL
I felt the same way about Marie Antoinette. It was even beautiful in late autumn. But I also loved (LOVED) the costumes because I am a dress freak like that.
Prayers and good thoughts for the surgery tomorrow and peace for you, especially. I'm always a wreck when my hubby has surgery and it's only been minor stuff.
I've wondered about that "Death at a Funeral". It came and went at one theater here before I ever had a chance to read a review of it. I'll look for it out there to rent. We watched "American Gangster" this weekend. Long. Long. Long.
But Russell Crowe, so it's bearable! Oh, and it's good, too.
Hope surgery goes well!
Loved Michael Clayton, too. Haven't seen any of the others, so thanks for the links :)
we watched Michael Clayton this weekend too! I liked was a little hard to follow at first, but George Clooney was really good in it.
I really want to see "Things We Lost in the Fire"..
I have not seen any of those movies. How pathetic is that? I'd better get busy...some of those look great!
That's an awlful lot of popcorn.
I want to see The Brave One.
I Love Love LOVED Marie Antoinette!
I'm not a big Dunst fan, but she was very good in that. Yes, the ending was a bit of a letdown. Of course we all *know* what happens, but a little more lead-up to it would have been nice.
Best wishes for a quicky surgery & easy recuperation!
thanks for the reviews.... i may add some on my netflix.
hope everything goes well!!!!
I am totally gonna check out Death at a Funeral!
I will be saying a prayer for your dh.
How was the surgery? You guys are in my prayers.
Thinking of you - hope things went well.
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