...something has died at our house, in our house, under our house...somewhere.
I started smelling something Saturday.
Opened the hall closet that has the furnace...& WHOA. I just knew that some type of small something was dead in there.
Well, Damon got the flashlight & looked...he didnt find anything.
By Sunday morning--I could barely stand it.
So...Damon went under the house in search of the beastly odor....
Equipped with a garbage sack & a flashlight...oh, he's so brave!

What did he find????

Well...here's what he found...apparently a squirrel has eaten a hole through the duct/ventilation system under the house & it's surrounding insulation. And...he crawled up in the vent system somewhere & died!
And---it's been cold, so we've been running the heat. And, because he's in the vent system somewhere, and the heat is on---the stench is just being spread all over the damn house.
I just knew that when I got to work today, someone would ask, "Have you rolled in something dead?"
So, that was the gross part of the weekend.
What were the good parts????
Well, for one---Gage felt rain for the very first time.

Melissa & her boyfriend, Collin, came to visit.

We cooked hamburgers on the grill...and Megan & Stephen came over too!
We all had fun.

(Okay...tell me they dont look like a family....like Gage could be theirs...)
Anyway...we cooked out...& we sat by the chiminea fire...

Gage loves his mittens!

Then we played cards...Bullsh*t & Poker. Megan was on a mega-streak. Stephen needs to take her to Vegas!!!! Melis & I....well, we should probably be at the remedial poker table....but, whatever. we all had a good time playing...
On Sunday...Gage slept late.
We took it easy that morning...
And hanging out...searching for dead animals...bathing the baby...feeding the baby...

And then Collin & Melissa had to leave...Gage was so sad.

Oh---I forgot to mention. Um...my hair was 3 different colors over the weekend. It started out brown...went to blonde...(too blonde!)...then red...reddish, I guess...then back to brown. I thought I wanted change...well, changed my mind. It just wasnt me. Had to undo the salon work I paid for, and dyed it back brown myself.
...oh, and on Sunday, Baby Gage held his own bottle .... again. (did it the first time on Christmas Eve)

What else?? Baby Gage had his 4 month check up this morning. Looks like he may have eczema...on his little left elbow for now. Yucky...poor thing!
But, he is 17.5 pounds & 25.5 inches long! He's above average in both of those percentiles. What a big boy.
We get to start feeding him cereal & jar food (veggies) woohoo!!!
Waiting on Damon's dr to call. Biopsy results were supposed to be back Friday or Monday. Well...we didnt get a call on Friday...
Damon is really taking his health seriously. He borrowed a treadmill from his mother & has been walking/jogging on that for the past 2 days. He's really been watching the calories & cholesterol in EVERYTHING we eat. We may have created a mini-monster! He did eat a hamburger & have beer on Saturday night...but, he held off on the Miracle Whip (he loves the stuff) b/c of the amount of cholesterol in it...
I'm just really proud of him though for paying attention & really trying.
He's down to 219 pounds. Woohoo!
That's all for now.