Life Is Just So Daily

Monday, January 16, 2006

It's going to be a long week...

First & Foremost, look at my child.

That was his first time to sit in his highchair. Is it me, or does he look a little scared??!!!


"Good Boy!"

That little one was pooped after playing all day.... He loves those "Linkadoos" (THANKS GIN!), & always grabs them & chews on them...He loves them! Anyway, after playing, he fell asleep holding onto them. So cute!

So, this week...
Tonight, Damon's dad will spend the night with us.
Tomorrow...Damon has a dr's appointment...I have to go downtown to do my vehicle registration...
Wednesday...Damon's colonoscopy & endoscopy. Bless his heart---he cant eat anything but clear liquids after 3pm today. Then, he cant drink anything after midnight Tuesday night. NOT EVEN WATER! And, his stuff doesnt start until 11am on Wednesday. He's going to be mega-pleasant that morning.... (note the sarcasm).

Then...on Friday....Melissa & Collin are coming!

So, no work for me on Tuesday & Wednesday. Woohoo. But in reality, I'd rather be at work if that meant Damon didnt have to have all of this stuff done....

Damon's blood work from his PCP came in the mail...Saturday. We have an appointment tomorrow to go over the results w/ the dr. He had a few abnormal results. We dont know what all of them mean.... I do know this: his cholesterol was high...just a little...but of that, his triglycerides were WAY high. His LDL was marked as an abnormal result for being abnormally low. Well, we can ask tomorrow...but since that is the bad cholesterol...I would think that really low LDL would be good. But...I'm no we'll go over all of the stuff tomorrow.

Poor Damon---he cant take anything for his acid reflux for 7 days prior to the procedures on Wednesday. He's just soooooooo miserable.

The good news: whatever stomach virus that was plaguing my men....come & gone! Damon & Gage are both doing better.

What else???

Movie Reviews:

The Wedding Crashers...funny, but not nearly as funny as I expected.

Must Love Dogs...really cute. Damon & I both liked it a lot.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith...I LOVED THIS MOVIE! Loved it. So funny.

The Future of probably never heard of it...It's so good though. It's a documentary about farming, crops, genetically modified seeds...patenting seeds & the ramifications of putting a patent on a living's really very good. Damon & I both liked it.

The Ringer...we went to the theater and saw this. It's funny...but then there are times when you think: "I'm going straight to hell for laughing at this". (If you dont know...the main story is that a guy fakes being "special" so that he can enter the Special Olympics. He & his uncle bet a lot of money on the Special Olympics, so they want to rig it so they can win the $$).

Okay...that's about all I know for now.


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