Well so---today: we had a parenting FAIL.
Luckily---I have a wonderful mother-in-law.
When the school sent home an enrollment packet for next year, I didn't think much of it.
So, I fill out the paperwork, send it back...no biggie, right?
Apparently spots in the Pre-K classes for 4 year olds are highly sought after, and to get one, you must get in a line on a designated date at a designated time.
Who knew?
I didn't read anything about a line.
Apparently it is to Pre-K what Black Friday lines are to the shopping.
When my phone rang this morning, and W's mom was saying, "Hey, girl, where are you? I'm in line. I don't see you anywhere." I was fairly certain that she was prank calling me.
This is serious business. And she's the mom with 3 kids who has got it all together.
She kept telling me that she felt so bad that she forgot to tell me, and warn me.
So---what did I do?
I called my mother in law.
"You've got to get up there, like NOW! There's a line!"
"A line for what?"
"Registration. Remember that packet I asked you to turn in? Well, apparently there is a big huge line that you have to STAND In to TURN IT IN. It's crazy. I know---but GO!"
..........and because she loves us----she left the house eeeeeaaaarly, and she stood in that line.......and she stood, and she stood.....and finally it was her turn. And she got up there and turned in our papers, and then she called me.
"Well, I turned them in."
"I know, but what was our enrollment number?"
"I don't know. They didn't give me an enrollment number. They wrote a '4' really big on the envelope."
{4? That doesn't mean anything. He'll be 4 years old. We want him to go 4 days a week. The question is---did we make the cut???? Time will tell.}
Labels: Family, gage school