Belated Valentine's Day Post....

To my husband on Valentine's Day: I got you 1/2 a house! Happy Valentine's Day!
...You got me the same thing????
You NEVER do anything original...or spontaneous...or creative anymore.
I sooooooo already did that!
And in other news---we're trying to close on the houses before the March 1st payment is due on our current house. Can't hate us for that!?
We finally got to return home to heat & electricity yesterday.
It was not without casualty, though.
Let's just say----we've moved onto to Teddy #2. {Teddy...the fish...remember?}
Well---on Friday, I was fretting because we left the fish behind. Hubby assured me that the fish would be fine.
Checked on Teddy Saturday when we went home to check on the heat/electricity status.
It's never a good thing when you have to break the ice at the top of the fish bowl before you flush your kiddo's fish.
And by that---I mean that Teddy was taken to the pet-store to ride out the storm. And, when he came back home last night---his colors were magically a little different. We hear that snow storms can do that to fish. heard that too, right????
The other casualty of the storm: about $300 worth of food.
Here's a trivia question for you: what do a single serving fruit cup & a bag of onions have in common?
Answer {I can't type it upside down, or I would!}: they were the only 2 things left in the fridge after the Great Power Outage of 2010. Really. Everything in the fridge was warm....everything in the freezer(s) was melted & mush. And, no, we DIDN'T think to empty that stuff out when we checked on our house on Saturday because HELLO! There was ice forming in the fish bowl. It was 32 degrees or LESS in our house. It was flippin' cold. And, the inside of the freezer was all icy & everything was still frozen on Saturday morning when we checked on it.
But---by Sunday afternoon: not so much. Big moooooshy mess. Mmmmmm.
Okay---that's it.
I gotta get to work now.....
Labels: Dammit Arlene, Holidays
Hope the thawing also applies to your city! We are getting another 7inches or so of snow tonight/tomorrow. Oh Joy!
A Valentine's Day to remember!
Bummer!! But glad you have your electricity back on now.
Glad you are back in your house. Too bad about Ted.
And I also don't know what Mother Nature is thinking this year with all the snow in places it's not supposed to be. We have barely any snow on the ground and it's been so long since the last snowfall, I can't even remember when it was. We are expecting snow tomorrow though, damn it.
What a great Valentine's present! Good luck on closing. Our house had to pass all these city inspections before we closed, and it was so stressful! Hope your experience is better. bankruptcy richard h sweat jr bankruptcy mailing list sugar land bankruptcy lawyer bankruptcy for the disabled bankruptcy civil judgement sirius bankruptcy sean widdecombe bankruptcy dallas bankruptcy lawyer filing bankruptcy in georgia bankruptcy for the disabled bankruptcy laws washington state bankruptcy laws
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