Life Is Just So Daily

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Salt in the wound...

How is this even fucking possible?

So, I go to get into the bathtub last night, and my boobs start leaking.


I had a first trimester miscarriage---how is this even fucking possible?
It's not like I'm gushing milk, so that's good....
But I guess I just NEVER expected this.
I knew that my boobs hurt & had gotten a little fuller...a little bigger...but they were by no means the double Ds I had with Gage, and with him---I had to bust my ass to FINALLY get my milk.

Now, my boobs are already shrinking back down, don't feel as full, don't hurt, but they're leaking.
Yeah---this seems fair.

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At 7:56 AM , Blogger Jeremy@Life of an Ant said...

I am so sorry to hear that. My condolances.

At 7:57 AM , Blogger Stephanie said...

I am so sorry! I don't understand either and feel so bad for you.

At 8:23 AM , Blogger Beenzzz said...

Oh oh, I hope the milk dries up soon. Sometimes it seems like the body can betray the owner.

At 8:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, nothing like a reminder you don't want. I had to bust my ass to get my milk to come in after River was born too, five days seemed like a long time to have to wait for my milk.

At 9:02 AM , Blogger Heidi said...

Sounds like a painful reminder, so sorry.

On a lighter note, I wish my boobs could have just stayed bigger after breastfeeding was over.

At 10:47 AM , Blogger Beth said...

Sad reminder. Our bodies can seem awfully insensitive to our needs and emotions at times.

At 1:02 PM , Blogger Lainey-Paney said...

dr's office said that is definitely possible, and for me to not stimulate the breasts at all...and wear a sports bra.

At 6:15 PM , Blogger Maria said...

Well, shit. That sucks, it really does. I'm so sorry....

At 6:45 AM , Blogger misguidedmommy said...

wow irony huh...and murpheys law and damn! sorry kiddo!

At 6:54 AM , Blogger Jenster said...

I'm so sorry. I had no idea that could happen this early. Just what you need.

At 1:08 PM , Blogger Em said...

Are our bodys strange things! hope it dries up, shitty reminder for you!

At 11:21 AM , Blogger CBM said...

A friend of mine had leakage as her first clue that she was pregnant, so I guess it can really happen at ANY time. If they keep you uncomfortable, try cabbage leaves in your bra to dry 'em up. So sorry for the added emotional stress. :(


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