Chemo 4: Done.

Why, yes, it is in poor taste.
But, whatever.
Got your attention, didn't it???
Mom update:
Chemo 4 was increased from the 30% strength that she got in Chemo 3.
Chemo 4 was not quite the breeze that Chemo 3 was.
Remember when she had Chemo 1 & 2?
Remember when they knocked her down, made her sooooo sick & damn near killed her? Well, that's the genetic marker hypersensitivity to the 5-Fu thing. So, they titrated it down to 30%, and now they are slowly increasing it to get it into a therapeutic range. How do they know if it's in the right range? Well, these super-expensive blood tests that are mailed to Salt Lake City with the geneticists looking at them.
Speaking of therapeutic ranges....Mom's been on coumadin (blood thinner) to keep her blood from getting too thick & clotting. Well, even when the dose was doubled, she wasn't staying in therapeutic range. Dr.W even had Mom take her actual Rx coumadin PILLS to the pharmacist to make absolutely certain that they were coumadin and not some random fluke mistake that she was taking something else. Yes, she's been taking coumadin...and now, she's getting Lovenox injections at home too, administered by PawPaw. What troopers!!!!
Doin' what they can to keep the blood clots at bay.
Mom's current worst fear: she'll accidentally cut herself shaving & bleed to death from a teeny-tiny-little cut in the shower, and she'll be found down, in the shower, pale & naked.
I say: valid fear. Give up shaving, opening envelopes, handling knifes, or paper for that matter, avoid dart boards, ill-fitting shoes, thumb-tacks... Stay home. Eat only with a spoon. Pad the walls. Stay in bed.
I'm just sayin'....
In other good news: My mamasita, the Scarf Style Icon that she is, has been asked, along with Dammit Arlene, to teach others about the scarf styling & what not through the cancer center there where she lives.
How cool & flattering is that!???
She's also considering walking in their town's Relay for Life, but unfortunately, it will be on a post-chemo weekend, so I am not sure it's going to work out for her this year.
We'll just have to see what we can do about that...
That's my Mamasita Update.
4 Down.
We're 1/3 of the way there.
Labels: Dammit Arlene, the big C