....remember when I hinted to {or flat out told} Hubby that I wanted a boat for my birthday?
...let me back up.
Hubby took us to the Bass Pro Shop to look at boats...Oh, we LOVE the Bass Pro Shop!

We left without a boat.
But--that's okay, we had a lot of fun...
Thursday night...Hubby took me to look at boat slips in Rockwall....what!?!? We're getting a boat!? Yes. Yes, we are.
Friday on the way home from work...picked up the boat fire extinguisher, life jackets, more sunscreen, a new rear-view mirror, a tube.... you get it.
Saturday, Hubby & his dad went to pick up the boat. Guess where I went! Are you ready??? Work. Yup. 12 hour shift. Good times, I assure you.
And, it was a really craptastic work day, which actually worked out for me to make the day go by faster. I had some down time, but not much.
Came home....finally got to sleep around 3am.
Up this morning by 7:30, on the water by 9:30.
So.......I got a boat!
...and I have NO PICTURES OF THE BOAT TO SHOW YOU. Yes, I have pics of the fun we had, but I never took a step back to just take a picture of the boat. That will have to come later.
Pics from our day today....
Mommy & Gage at the marina...

Gage & Daddy feeding the ducks...

There was so much fun out there today. We had fun just riding...then we went to the Harbor for lunch at Ruby Tuesday...and then---then----{Megan, Susan, you ready for this???} LAINEY-PANEY JUMPED OFF THE BOAT AND INTO THE WATER! {I made the Megan/Susan reference b/c they've actually been to the lake with me, and they've been on a river rafting trip with me, and they can count on one hand {or zero hands} how many times they've seen me get into water like that.}
There's something about being a mom that makes you do stuff that you don't want to do. {Gin, I know you'll appreciate this sentiment...you abhor going to the dentist, and yet, you want the boys to take care of their teeth & have good oral hygeine...and so....you're doing it, and I'm proud of you for facing the fear and powering through!} I don't want to show paralyzing fear relating to lake water and have my son sense that, feel like, or worse--understand it and accept that fear as his own. I want him to have fun lake memories. I want him to know what it must feel like to gleefully jump from the boat into the water with no fears. So, yes, I got into the water all by myself. I jumped about 5 feet from the boat, and then swam as fast as I could to the little ladder TO GET THE HELL OUTTA THAT WATER!
But the point is: I did it.
And, I tubed. Solo.
It was awesome. We all had so much fun.
Left the lake about 2:30. We were done. Gage ASKED for a nap. He was asleep before we were out of the marina parking lot.
Came home, showered, and snuggled on one couch with Gage & Hubby was on the other. We ALL napped.
I can't believe it.
Hubby got me a boat.
It's red & white.
It's not too big, but I still can't drive it all by myself.
I can't wait to make more lake memories....but hopefully, this will be the only time Gage asks to take a picture of my "crazy hair."

{Yes, I need many beautiful scarves to tie my hair down. And yes, I know that I'm brave for posting quite possibly THE most unflattering picture of myself.}
Labels: boat, Gage