Yesterday was busy!
Gage & I were up early...and when Daddy rose, the boys went to Home Depot. They got a few squares of sod and some ant killer. I don't know what's going on this year, but we've had ants like crazy. We've never had so many ants!
After that, well, you know---fresh laid grass must be watered, so out came the hose & a ton of fun for Gage.
Yes, I know that shot looks pretty brutal. Rest assured that Gage got him back.
After that, it was nap time. Gage took a GREAT nap in his crib.
Then, it was off to Memaw & Poppa's for the evening. Hubby & I had plans!
Prior to the application of much needed make-up, here's a shot of the black eye NINE DAYS later. How long does it take for a black eye to go away? My goodness. I feel like this thing will NEVER be gone. to the party we went!
My new Mommy-Friend was hosting her birthday bash at her house. So, that was Stop #1 on the big night out.
That's me & Leslie in her daughter's room. Leslie has a 3 & a half month old little girl named Sadie. Sadie's room is soooooooooo cute! Love it.
And, Leslie has the best hair in the world. Seriously. It's naturally curly, and looks great curly. And she can straighten it, and it looks great straight too. It's long, and thick, and healthy & fabulous!
After that, we were off. We were headed out to another get-together at the Pub House. Sorry, no pics.
From there, the adventures did not end. We decided to catch a movie. Yowzerz. It was after 10, and we were even contemplating a show. This is life on the edge, my friend!
Got to the theatre----sold out. We wanted to see "The Strangers", but it was a no-go. So, we went to Maggiano's for super late dining. You would not believe how many people were there with reservations for large groups at 10 o'clock at night. We thought that was bizarre. But, the food was great. We split stuffed mushrooms & I got a bowl of Minestrone soup that was not like any other Minestrone I've had. It was good. I wouldn't say it was the best I've had, but it was good. The bread & mushrooms were to die for! Loved it.
After that the fun was still on. We went to Hollywood video b/c we were in the mood for something scary. 11 o'clock on a Saturday night is really NOT a good time to expect a good selection. We walked out with THIS:

It was awful.
Not worth watching again. I fell asleep before anything scary ever happened, and Hubby told me how awful it remained as he finished it.
Don't waste your money renting this movie.
Don't waste your time watching it, even if it's free on TV. So not worth it.
With all that being said...the day was over!
Well you certainly had a busy day, they are the best sort of days too. I will not rent that video... OK? Thanks for the warning. I don't like scary movies anyway.
Wow, busy bee. I love the dress.
WOW - busy day! Love the photos!
Really love your dress - you look great!
Thanks for sharing!
Holy cow! You are a busy, busy woman. No wonder you fell asleep during the movie you rented!
My husband thinks the ants are going to eventually eat our entire house and the roof will come crashing down on us. We have tried everything, but they still come back. This year, thankfully, they haven't come in full force(yet).
Lucky girl going out on the town. I have a date with my hus scheduled in August! UGH!
You should use the RedBox; at least that way when you rent a terrible movie you're only out $1.00.
I can't believe your eye is still bruised!
You look gorgeous, by the way. I love your dress and that nursery is fabulous!
Have a wonderful night.
What a cute pic of you two. AND how does she look that adorable after just having a baby?????
I LOVE that dress you're wearing, girlie!!!!!
Maggiano's is so yummy. I heart their calamari.
I think I'm in love with that babies room. It's adorable.
Save those pictures of your black eye for Gage's later years - you never know when they'll come in handy! Guilt is a great motivator...
OMG! You are so super sweet!!! Thank you, Thank you for the great compliments! Glad to meet your Hubby Finally!
What a fun day! You are so gorgeous and what a blessing to have a night out w/ hubby!
Glad we aren't the only ones who let our boys play in the water house...I know it is becoming a very "green" world, so it makes me feel a little guilty!
By the way, your hair looks beautiful too!!! Are the problems you were having with your hair loss gone?
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