Life Is Just So Daily

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Gage WHINE-house....

So, remember when I posted about the Big Boy Bed?

Those days are a thing of the past....

Gage's Song (to the tune of "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse)

"They tried to make me sleep
In my bed, but I said,
Nooooo, Nooooo, Nooooo.

They say it's bed-time,
But I've made up my mind.
When they try to make me
stay there, I won't
Go, Go, Go.

No rails to keep me in bed.
I refuse to lay down my head.

They tried to make me sleep
In my bed, but I said,
Nooooo, Noooo, Noooo."

...........So, as a result, bedtime somehow became around 10PM.
That's no good.
Nap-time was no good either.
This child who used to take a 3 hour nap & wake up happy, he was missing too.
The child who napped in his big boy bed was fussy & finally fell asleep as a last resort. He woke up after 45 minutes to an hour, and so the late afternoons & early evening were filled with whining, demanding of popsicles, and pretty much glued to Mommy's hip or legs. Life became impossible for this Mommy. He'd WHINE for Daddy from about 3-5. Then, when Daddy came home from work, Daddy couldn't look at him, or play with him, or do anything. Life was rough.

So finally, this Mom gave up. I need nap time. I need bed-time to be around 8:30.
And, lately he's been climbing into our bed & has slept there...gosh, a lot. Countless nights. So, we've got to work to get back to our old sleep routines. While I LOVE snuggling him in my bed, and waking up to see him sleeping so sweetly---none of us are really sleeping THAT well, so we've just got to get back on track!

For now, the rail is back up.



At 11:48 AM , Blogger Laura said...

The transition can be difficult...time will come when EVERYONE is ready and able. Very few 18 year olds sleep in a crib!!!

Hope bed routines improve soon!

At 11:52 AM , Blogger Zephra said...

Have you tried to put a gate in front of his door so his only option is to stay in his room? also, I hate to tell ya but this is the age that a lot of kids give up nap time.

At 11:54 AM , Blogger Lainey-Paney said...

Zephra--NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Do NOT tell me that. No. No. No. Please don't let that happen. Please.

gotta go. Time to pray. I need to ask God for a favor in the form of naptime FOREVER!

At 1:54 PM , Blogger Aubs said...

I think sleep battles are one of the most frustrating parts of parenting...uugghhh...i am very much a "do what works for you" kind of mom! If him being in a crib works than go for it! Like laura said....i don't know of any teens in a crib so it will work out when he is ready!

At 4:44 PM , Blogger misguidedmommy said...

maybe you need a real toddler bed with rails on each side that is much lower to the ground, walmart has some super cute ones for about 70.00. brandon loooved his

At 4:45 PM , Blogger misguidedmommy said...

also, brandon is almost three and still naps every day

At 6:15 PM , Blogger Judy said...

Hey girl - my 8 year old STILL sleeps with a rail on the side of his bed...when the rail is gone, he sleeps horribly. When it is up, he's good to go. I know with Tyler (3 years old), the only reason he's in the big boy bed so well is because of that bed rail!

And, as for the naps - each child is different. My 8 year old would have given up naps at 3 if I hadn't been persistent about needing that time for myself. And Tyler takes anywhere from a 2 - 4 hour nap every day...and 10- 11 hours of sleep at night. Some kids sleep, some don't.

At 8:44 PM , Blogger Chris H said...

I can Totally relate to this, if it doesn't work, yep, put the rail back up... sleep is more important than NOT sleeping in a BIG bed.

At 8:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just moved Jacob to a bed, and he's 3.5. He still takes a 2-3 hour nap every day he's at home, although he no longer does at daycare, but on those nights he goes to bed at 7:30. If we hadn't forced the issue, he'd probably still be happily sleeping in his crib. My only suggestion would be to leave the crib, and buy a mattress for the floor so that he can choose which one he wants to sleep in/on.

At 5:30 AM , Blogger Beth said...

Good move. Parents and a child suffering from lack of sleep - not a good combination.
(If it helps to know, my eldest napped until the age of four. May Gage give you that peace...)

At 11:45 AM , Blogger Chastity said...

This makes me VERY scared, as we are thinking of moving Lila into her toddler bed soon.

At 7:31 PM , Blogger Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

I hate that transition so much. I have really put it off with these last 2. Til 3 at least. ugh.


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