Today is Thursday...busy week...

Baby Gage
Oh my goodness...what a busy week.
On Monday afternoon, Damon fell off a ladder & hit his head on the side of his truck...hit his elbow, shoulder & back. Luckily--he didnt end up with a chainsaw blade in his brain. See, he was trimming trees...the tree shifted---the saw shifted, and he could either fall w/ the chainsaw, or throw the chainsaw & then fall. He chose to fall w/o the chainsaw (thank goodness!), but nonetheless was injured.
Of course at first he was refusing to go to the ER. I convinced him to go. He has/had a concussion & a deep tissue contusion to his elbow. Nothing broken.
So, he's been physically useless this week...and in a ton of pain. Bless his heart. He's all banged up.
Baby Gage...well, he's just as wonderful as ever.
I was home w/ him on Tuesday. He was fussy all day & only slept during the day for a total of 1 hour & 45 minutes. That was 2 separate naps. Needless to say, he fell asleep for the night pretty early & Mommy was soooooooooo tired.
I think Megan's going to come over tonight for a bit. I have to call & confirm.
That's about all I know for now...
TV & Movie time...
Movie: The Family Stone....about 1/2 way through. Love it. So does Damon so good & funny.
Elizabethtown: BOR-RING.
Shopgirl: BOR-RING.
I turned off both movies prior to finishing them...they were too boring.
I cant wait for a show on MTV called "The Hills". It's got my favorite girl from Laguna Beach. I'm such a dork to like these teeny-bopper shows, but hey---I got hooked on Laguna Beach when I was on bedrest. I was bored & now I'm hooked.
Dateline: To Catch a Predator. Watched it last night. It was really good. Really creepy, and I cannot believe the sickos that are in this world! Grown-a$$ men trying to sleep with little girls/boys....ugh. Nauseating. And, one guy showed up & had his child with him! His son couldnt have been older than 4 or 5. Awful, awful stuff.
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