Life Is Just So Daily

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Okay, I joke a lot about how I'm done being pregnant...and I'm just ready for Gage to be here...etc.

well, today I had to cover for the NICU social worker b/c she's out.
I saw a baby who was born at 32 weeks. She only weighs 4 pounds. She's too tiny.
I also saw a baby who was born only 3 weeks early, already weighing over 8 pounds...but he's not doing so well.

So, I'm officially done wishing for an early delivery.

I dont want to see Gage laying in a bed with all those tubes...and I couldnt even imagine having a traumatic emergent c-section & then not being able to see my baby for 2 days! That's what happened to one of the little mamas b/c she had pregnancy related complications at the time of delivery.... Could you even imagine waking up & asking if you have a baby--having no memory of the delivery--and everything anyone can tell you about the delivery is incredibly scary?! Ugh!!!

So, now I'm praying to stay pregnant for at least the next 5 weeks. That'll put me at 37 weeks for delivery, and that's considered "term".


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