Life Is Just So Daily

Friday, December 03, 2004

A day in the life....

of me...

Well, today I woke up earlier than normal. why? well, because I went to sleep with we hair & knew that I would wake up looking like Medusa.
So, I get my hair, blowdry my hair, roll my hair... get dressed...and put on my new black boots (which are fabulous by the way!)
I leave the house early so that I can run by Starbucks & grab a Gingerbread Latte before work. I am in my Jeep...flying down I-30 because there's hardly any traffic at 7...and then---my whole car just stops working. The interior lighting goes off, my radio goes off, the turn signal wont headlights go off.... it was horrible. And--I'm in the left lane of the 4 available lanes. Fantastic. I attempted to signal my way over...but realized that (1) my turn signal wont work & (2) I cant give the car any gas...I'm merging on a prayer! So, I finally get all the way over to the right hand side & coast down the exit. Then, my car comes back on. The electrical flickers all the way home. The little dashboard levers were flippin' & floppin'. It was tons of fun.

Damon told me to take his truck. So--I'm "driver 2" with my own set of keys! Oh what fun!!!'s little 100 pound me... 5 foot me... driving the "quad cab, extended bed, HD 2500 with a lift" truck. Man, it is awesome! I just love driving that thing! I dont so much like the parking part...or the pulling into a teeny-tiny gas station to fill up....but the driving is awesome. :) When I drive this truck...I'm almost eye level with 18 wheelers! It's so much fun! So...that will be up there with the highlights of my day.

Tomorrow: Megan, Stephen, Damon & I have plans to drive to Denison to one of those places where you can cut down your own Christmas tree. Oh what fun. Good Day reported rain in the we'll have to play it by ear...but that is the plan.

Then on Sunday I think Megan, Susan, & I are going to get together @ BreadWinners for brunch. Susan's working nights we hardly see her.

My new boots: I love them. They are so rockin'.... but...I'm a little superstitious about shoes. So far...I had car trouble on my way to work & an upset tummy today. It could be the shoes. I really think that some footwear is bad luck. I'm going to give these boots another trial run...but if I have bad luck on that day too---well, these boots are history. Cute or not---I wont wear them if they are jinxed! (I'm so neurotic...I know)

What else??? Went to Target yesterday after work.
Got Allen a Christmas gift from Dad.
Wish I had a million bucks...

Oh! One of my Christmas gifts arrived today from Damon! I know what it is! I know what it is!!!


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