Life Is Just So Daily

Thursday, November 18, 2004

*Someone is having twins!!!*

Okay...remember when I said that a friend of mine is pregnant...well, she's having twins!!! Woo hoo!

..and NO--it's not me. So everyone stop asking me that. Yes, I am happy about her twins, and that's why I'm so excited today.

Why I'm not excited today...
1. First day without a single cigarrette.'s only 12:36 right now...but I have not smoked since 5 PM on yesterday. So, kudos to me. I guess I am excited about that...but it sucks because I want to step outside & smoke. Ugh. Self restraint. I can do this. I can do this. And--they say that after 3 should be better.
2. Stupid crap at work. I work in an ER. I can not see every patient that is crying. I get a referral, "Patient is crying." Okay. Is she in pain? Did you give her a shot? Did you ask her WHY she is crying? Give me a freaking break.
(But...then I am saying that I dont have time to see every patient that is crying...but I have time to type this....I really need to stop complaining, right?)
3. Today I learned that after your egg is released, it must be fertilized in 24-48 hours, because after that, it starts to break down & deteriorate. How did I not know that? I'm sure I learned it at some point...but I must have forgotten. And....HOW ON EARTH ARE THERE WOMEN OUT THERE WITH 10 KIDS BY 10 DIFFERENT DADDIES???? Seriously--that is a very narrow window for optimal fertility. Surely those women are not just having sex 1x/month. They must just keep a steady stream of sperm flowing, and that's how they ensure that their eggs get fertilized. Gross.

Okay. Someone is crying & I feel guilty for typing. I have to go & stop being selfish.


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