Let's Talk Real Housewives, shall we?
So, I have Loved.loved.Loved this show in the past.

In fact----LuAnn used to be my favorite. Loved her last season.
This season---not so much.
And she's writing some book about etiquette & manners b/c she is after all, a COUNTESS (which she reminds everyone of at every turn).
How about this---don't be so rude all the time??? How's that for manners. Don't be so belittling of others---there's a lesson in good manners.
I loved (sarcasm there) when her housekeeper returned from visiting her family across the globe---and LuAnn says something along the lines of, 'oh, i know you're jet-lagged'....'I'm so tired because I had to do all of your work. Well, [so & so] came to clean the house of course....' and 'we'll keep it light today so you can rest, but we need to get ALL of this laundry done.'
blah, blah, stinkin' blah.
She is on my nerves this year.
Alex & her husband. What train-wrecks. This inflatable-above-ground pool that we have in our backyard on the patio means that we live in the lap of luxury!???? WHAT??? I have to admit though---they are interesting to watch. They really are.
Bethenny's boobs----did anyone see the episode where she was in Jill's pool at the Hamptons---and I think she was wearing a green bikini (how do I remember that???)...her boob job....that area around her sternum. GROSS. Maybe it's because she's just so skinny. I don't know. I just know that her chest was like a train-wreck itself---it hurts to look, but you can't look away. In clothes, I think she looks great. But in a bikini---um, that was just gross. And why is she even on the show? It's "Real HouseWIVES of NYC". Last time I checked---you had to be married to be a wife. Hmmmm.....
And now, I'm feeling guilty for throwing these opinions out there b/c these are people somewhere....but, they put themselves out there for the public to see....and well, I have formed opinions.
Anyone else watch this show, or agree with me....or both???
Labels: TV
Oh what a shame, we don't get that show here... it sounds interesting.
I am in total agreement!! I love the NYC version much better than the OC version, too. I heard the new housewife just got arrested for assaulting her boyfriend! hehe. Should be an interesting season!
that show....makes me thankful for who i am. seriously all that make up and hair dye and boobs and holy 5000.00 dress batman. i'll take my target shoes over that anyday!
I love the RH of NYC. I agree with everything you said. I couldn't believe how haughty they all were in this past episode. Alex and Simon are really quite... something. I can't believe most of the things they say. BUT, I can't stop watching.
Ramona needs to NEVER DANCE AGAIN.
I don't watch that show,well maybe once or twice. I find the women just very annoying.
Oh my gosh, I love that show. Allof the women are mean to one another and I would HATE to be friends with any of them. With that said I still watch it. So sad, but I just can't stop. I also used to like LuAnn but have changed my midd. She just thinks she's too cool.
I thought i'd like this show...however I have found that they are so self-serving it makes me sick. I know..I know...they are rich...but give me a break-just because you throw a party for a "benefit" doesn't make you save the world.
And the whole etiquitte thing drives me nuts...they all need it! Ok, let me stop...they are "real" Housewives, right?
I love that show! They're just such trainwrecks and I always feel better about my life, house, boobs, etc. after I watch it. I would go bonkers if I had to deal with those women on a regular basis. Or ever.
That said, I love watching them. Alex and Simon are something else--I love watching them (not buying books just to buy books, so I'm going to buy books to buy them, uh huh). And the pool. I laughed so hard I almost hurt myself. And Countess LuAnn, the Countess? How classy are you if you allow a TV crew into your life? I could go on and on!
Jill still rocks. She's the only semi-sane one on the show! I couldn't believe it when Luann hosted a going-away luncheon for her daughter and then lectured her friends on their manners the whole time. Ramona...drives me crazy, as in pisses me off kind of crazy. Alex and Simon...they make me laugh. I still like the OC Housewives better though :)
It is my ultimate guilty pleasure. LuAnne is so annoying and tacky with her Countess references. Alex and Simon are outrageous. That blow up pool was hilarious. I think my favorite is Jill. She makes me laugh the most, but Bethenny does have some great one liners.
LOVE this show, LOVE it.
Can't stand Alex and Simon but I can't stop watching.
The Countess cracks me up but really she is a biotch.
I don't get the new housewife who rides horses. Obviously you don't have to be a housewife to be on the show but what's her thing? Something is weird with her mouth or smile too...I'm not liking her.
This show is such a guilty pleasure for me, besides I don't want to miss another chance to see Ramona dancing.
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