Local Story.

A Fort Worth police officer takes photos of the SUV that rolled over a toddler Monday evening.
An investigation is under way after a sport utility vehicle rolled over and killed a toddler Monday evening at a family's house in the 7100 block of Ashbourne Way, Fort Worth police said.
The mother told police that she forgot something inside the house and left 2-year-old Julian Tarin and three other kids outside in the SUV as she ran back inside. She said the child got out of his seat, and into the driver's seat, where he put the vehicle in reverse and then either got scared and jumped, or fell out of the vehicle.
She said when she came outside she found the boy laying in the driveway.
A neighbor heard the mother screaming, and rushed outside to help.
"She was holding him, blood was everywhere on him and we tried to do CPR, to revive him, but we were unsuccessful," Demetra Prince said.
The child was transported Cook Children's Hospital in critical condition where he died shortly after arrival.
That makes me more than sick to my stomach.
That is so terrible!
What a terribly sad story. My heart aches.
I have seen this story many times on the news the past few days. So terribly, terribly sad.
That is heart wrenching. So terrible, horrible.
I want to say something about this Mother. About the child not at least being in a car seat but...She must be just sick knowing she could have prevented it.
Maybe someone else will learn from this and his death will not be in vain.
Heartbreaking - and even more difficult to bear for all because it was preventable.
How horrible!
yes, you know that this woman is going through something...just so horrible. You know that if she could turn back time & undo this, she would without a doubt.
(or, I assume she feels that way...)
WE had the same thing happen here just last weekend... it happens on average every couple of weeks here... it's a tragic way to lose a child....
This is awful. I just cannot imagine what this woman and her family are feeling. I hope that this is a lesson to everyone.
Oh my gosh, that is just heartbreaking. And honestly, that is one of my biggest fears with my kids. I get all kids of shrieky when the kids are being even slightly silly around cars. Parking lots wig me right the hell out.
So horribly sad.
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