Life Is Just So Daily

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Little Boy.....

Gage, you're 3 years old. And you say the funniest, sweetest, most random things sometimes...

The way you say "Yellow" = "Lellow". I love it. And, I know that someday it will change. For now, it's mine, all mine!

The other evening, after a particularly rough day, you said, "Hold you me." Of course, I scooped you up. As you hugged my neck, you said in the sweetest little defeated voice, "I don't want to be a good boy. It's toooooooo hard. And it's no fun."

Recently at the mall, we were playing "I spy" with colors. You spied something red & I was trying to guess what it told a complete stranger, "Stop! I spied you!" Turns out, she was wearing a red shirt & that was your red item that I was supposed to guess, and she was about to be past us...she was young---likely had no children given the expression on her face when you said what you said...and the fact that she paused momentarily, but then kept walking... whatever...

A while ago, Daddy was out of town. I let you stay up a little late, but the deal was: straight into bed when it was time, no stories, no maby-pambying around. So, I put you to bed a little later than usual, and went to bed myself. I heard you open your door, slam your door, stomp down the hall, open my door, slam my door. You stood in my room tapping your foot & exclaimed "NO-ONE ROCKED ME. ARE YOOOOUUUUU GOING TO ROCK ME?" While I should have gotten onto you for that tone & attitude---it was just so darn cute. I laughed & said, "Of course I am." We rocked & then you went to bed. Little-Mister-Get-Your-Way!

You love Maggie & The Ferocious Beast, and you always tell me, "Don't forget Hamilton!" You love Little Bill & told me that you were going to be Little Bill when you grow up. When you learned that Little Bill is black, you said, "Then I'm going to be black when I grow up." I told you that you can't be black, and it broke your heart. I explained that each of us just IS the color that we are born being. And so, we talked about Little Bill & how great he is...and how you are great too. I love the way you don't see gender differences and don't see racial differences, and just seem to accept that people are people.

You don't really say your "cr" sounds. It always comes out as a "tr" sound. This too will fade over time. You used to not say the "gr" sounds either, and they came out as "tr" too. Grapes were "trapes", but that's changing now.... We've still got:
cry = "try"
craisins = "traisins"
crickets = "trickets"
...and although it's not only a "cr" sound, Captain Crunch (your favorite...) is "Taptain Trunch!"

You recently thanked God for someone in a prayer. As sweet as it was, sadly, it was not me (you know, I carried you in my tummy & have saggy boobs & stretch marks because of you...someday you better name ME in a prayer!) But, we were thanking God for Gagie, Mommy, Daddy, grandparents, the dog, etc. And you chimed in, "And Thank You God for Sadie-Bug." It was very sweet.
[she's really cute. Maybe you guys could grow up & fall in love, and get married, and have lots of babies! I'm just sayin'.... Her parents would NOT be bad in-laws, and then Leslie & I could plan your wedding, and baby showers, and take the grandbabies on playdates....'re right, I'm getting carried away...she's not even a year old yet....]

There's so much more that I could add to this post....but, you're calling me away from the computer to play trucks on the living room floor. I already know how this is going to play out. I'll sit there with you, and you will say, "Mommy, you can be this one"....and then a few seconds later, you'll change your mind. You may eventually let me have a cast-off car that has at least one wheel missing, and then when I try to play with it, you'll tell me that I'm doing it wrong, or it can drive there...etc. I'll play by your rules. I don't mind....



At 9:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I love this post! Children are so adorable and so pure. My own kids have no real clue of what race they are...they don't care either. They see everyone the same. As for the saggy boobs...I feel like hey I carried, birthed and nursed...where's my tummy tuck and my boob lift! LOL! I told all my friends...Don't look at me funny when I turn 40 and I've had some work done...just forewarning them! God Bless!

At 11:19 AM , Blogger Just Jiff said...

That is such a sweet, lovely post. I love how kids "mispronounce" things when they're little and how they see the world. I think if we could bottle that up and give it to the evil people of the world, this planet would become the sweetest and nicest place to live.
Everyone needs a kid in their life to make them human and decent and kind and compassionate again. Sigh. I love little Gagie poo and I don't even "really" know him.

At 12:27 PM , Blogger Mummy M said...

What a totally lovely post!


At 2:24 PM , Blogger Judy said...

Aw, I'm all misty-eyed!

At 3:17 PM , Blogger Love said...

love this. you (and gage!) will be so thankful to have this written down in the years to come. i know you know you're blessed to have such a cute & sweet little boy....but he's awfully lucky to have you, too!!

At 4:55 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

You just make me want to cry sometimes! Beautiful post. Absolutely beautiful.

Also, thanks for the Home Depot offer. Unfortunately, we don't have one any closer than 50 miles away and I have absolutely no idea what the next thing that I'll need to buy is. Thanks so much, though!!

At 6:50 PM , Blogger Pregnantly Plump said...

Such a sweet post! Little boys are so wonderful.

At 6:53 AM , Blogger Zephra said...

How sweet. I get told I am doing it wrong all the time. Zak even told me i'm not allowed to play baseball anymore because "You are a bad baseballer mommy". I'm not that bothered by that.

At 12:41 PM , Blogger shoeaddict said...

This is such a sweet post. Gage is so cute and wonderful. You are so lucky and so is he.

If he would've spied me in the mall, I would've been so happy! I'd prob buy him a toy. :)

At 9:56 PM , Blogger Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Oh honey, you are so in love with him and now I am too! This is so amazing and when he reads these words some day he will get a glimpse of your mommy heart.

At 11:22 AM , Blogger Cristina Mathers said...

very sweet post. I love this age too. my daughter will be 3 in jan. she says the silliest, most honest things!


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