Life Is Just So Daily

Monday, June 04, 2007

You got hit with WHAT?

Is this Karma?
Have I done something so horribly wrong with poor Gage in the...19, almost 20 months that he has been alive? Okay, sure, I've had to call Poison Control twice. Sure, he slipped out of my hands & hit his head on the side of the bathtub, [in my defense, he is slippery when wet, and I WAS giving him a bath...and I cried harder & longer than he did...] whatever. You know that phrase, "Paybacks are hell." Yeah. It's true.

I'm sporting a big ol' goose-egg knot on my forehead.
Luckily for me, it's just a quarter size raised area (sore as hell), but the red stripe that went from my eyebrow up to my hairline is gone.

Oh, what happened?

Well, my husband had the freezer door open. Gage heard that & went RUNNING into the kitchen. Before anyone could stop him, he made off with two frozen burritos.
And then what happened?
My child is quicker than lightning, and he CHUNKED a frozen burrito at my head.
How very unfortunate for me that Gage has pretty good aim.
Yup, I've got a swollen knot above my right eyebrow.

OMG. It hurt so bad. One of those---I just have to leave the room b/c I'm going to probaby scream, cry, and cuss kind of hurts. It was in EVERYONE's best interest that I be alone in that moment.

But, like I said...the red stripe is gone, and I'm left with a lumpy forehead.
Lucky me.



At 9:47 AM , Blogger Papa Bradstein said...

Man, it's true that they remember everything. Hope that you're feeling better. I'd say that you should put some ice on it, but that's probably a sore subject right now.

At 12:04 PM , Blogger DJ Kirkby said...

OUCH! I remember number 3 son head butting me and almost knocking one of my front teeth loose! Shouldnt there be some kind of law against abusing your parents?

At 12:13 PM , Blogger katy said...

LOL - yep pay back time for sure, my son is still causing me 'pain' an he is 21 and left home, but hey its worth it really because no matter what they do they are all ours and we love them to bits!

At 12:49 PM , Blogger Beth said...

You're right - you must look at the bright side - he could end up a great baseball pitcher!
(You should post a picture of your lump...)

At 1:14 PM , Blogger S said...


I can't begin to imagine how much that must have hurt.

At 1:32 PM , Blogger Talia said...

The Flying Burrito Brothers was a band in the late 1960s featuring 2 ex members of the Byrds, Chris Hillman and Gram Parsons :)

I know this because I am obsessed with the rock star groupie phenomenon and these two had their fare share back in the day!

At 4:33 PM , Blogger Beck said...

Motherhood is a glamorous undertaking, what with all the burritos to the head and all.

At 5:40 PM , Blogger Maria said...

I actually had the SAME thing happen to me with Liv when she was about Gage's age.

When she was three, I slipped on her brand spanking new roller skates that she left on the back steps. Just wanted you to keep an eye out.....

I had to go to the ER for that one. Actually broke my ankle.

At 7:39 PM , Blogger Pregnantly Plump said...

Ow! If he does become a pro pitcher someday, just think of the great story you'll have for SportsCenter.

At 7:39 AM , Blogger Elle said...

Dang that kid has good aim! Sign him up for baseball!

At 12:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! I hope you are feeling better! You gotta love the mishaps of parenting. When Gage is older and has kids of his own...make sure they have lots of frozen burritos ;)

At 6:30 PM , Blogger Jenster said...

LMAO!!! I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh at you. And yes, I'm laughing AT you, not necessarily WITH you. Unless you're laughing, too. In that case I'm laughing WITH you as I laugh AT you.

And just think. You still have another 16+ years until he moves out!

At 7:01 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Great story- you barely even have to embellish when you tell it when he is older!

At 8:27 PM , Blogger xxxx said...

Wow. You should get him in baseball or something when he's older with that arm :)

At 9:30 PM , Blogger Cate said...

Wow! I've been hit with a lot of things....but I have to admit I've never been hit by a frozen burrito!

At 7:11 AM , Blogger Chris King said...

Whats a burrito and why's it in the freezer?

At 10:31 AM , Blogger Stephanie said...

I stubbled over your blog from Shannon and have to say that your posts definitely amuse me!


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