Life Is Just So Daily

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Random Things About Me...'s 6/6/, it's high time for another list of: RANDOM THINGS ABOUT ME!

1. I love unsweetened ice tea. [to be more specific, my favorite is this mango tea that they serve at La Madeleine's. Yum.]

2. My toenails are painted Fire Engine Red.

3. I am wearing a bracelet today that has a picture of my son on it.

4. I attended Tulane University & The University of Texas at Arlington.

5. I love the boob support that halters provide. [how's THAT for random???]

6. My hair is falling out again. (oh, that's probably another post in itself...but, I lack the desire to even put forth that much effort into a whole post about it.)

7. Last night, I stayed out until almost 10 o'clock.
a) that is rare
b) I was tired as hell, but it felt good to be out late, by myself, and only responsible for me!
c) it was a family get together at my grandparents.

8. No contacts today. I'm wearing my glasses.

9. I had Jason's Deli sandwiches for lunch.

10. I've carried the same purse for about 95% of this past year. In fact, I got this purse last June. And, I even bother to mention it b/c I think it might be a record for me. I used to constantly switch purses; made sure the shoes & purse matched, etc. Now, I have a child, & so that means (A) I'm too busy to notice if my shoes & purse match, (B) I feel the need for a bigger purse b/c you never know when or where I'm going to need to stash a snack, and (C) I'm too busy to actually switch all of the stuff out from one purse to the next...heck, I'm too busy to clean this one out!



At 3:14 PM , Blogger Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

I'd love to see a pic of that bracelet!

At 8:26 PM , Blogger Cate said...

Sorry about your hair falling out have AA, right? I have Alopecia too...hope you don't lose to much this time!


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