Life Is Just So Daily

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Mommy Talk...

Today, Gage goes in for his 2 month check up.
He's due to get shots.
I fully expect to enter this situation as one person, and come out a completely changed woman. How on earth am I going to handle myself today? And why oh why did I schedule this appointment at a date & time that Damon couldnt go with me??? Part of me just wishes Damon could take Gage by himself! ...then the other part of me says 'How could I abandon my child in his time of need?' ...then I snap back into reality & think--gee, it's just a couple of shots!!!! kiddo will get shots today & I will either be the strong mom that he needs....or a bawling blubbering idiot. I almost turned into that bawling blubbering idiot at his 2 week visit when they did his heel stick. Oh My Gaaaawwwwwddd. That was horrible!

...which leads me to my next thought: I dont have a clue how Susan does her job...putting IVs into kids' heads & stuff. No thanks, I'll pass. I mean, I know she does painful stuff to kids but it's ultimately to help them & overall in their best interest...but, I would be crying all day!!!

Next Mommy Talk discussion: My breasts. Guys may want to skip this paragraph...
Engorgement: when your breasts get so full of milk that they are HUGE, hurt, & get hard. Engorgement: when my breasts look their best! Okay, engorgement may hurt like the dickens, but holy cow if my tatas dont stand at attention! I mean, seriously--when they're engorged, they finally maximize their potential. I knew they had it in them, and finally they are rising to the occasion. Way to go girls! I joked with Damon the first time that I went 6 or 7 hours without nursing or pumping. When I finally got home to pump--they were huge, hurt, & hard---and I told Damon that I wanted to go to a plastic surgeon's office & get a mold of my breasts. That way, if I ever decide to get implants, I can say "Make them look just like this!" teeeheeeheee!

Susan & David got a new puppy, so Charlie with have a little brother!

Mom's coming up to Dallas today. I should get to see her briefly.

Gage has started cooing & gibbering a little. He was really going yesterday morning when we woke up. So much so that I called mom & then dad so that they could both hear. He's just at the very beginning of this phase, so it doesnt happen all day long yet...just occasionally. Oh, and smiling! Oh, it can just melt your heart! I try to get pictures of him smiling (so far I have only one), but when I put the camera up to my face, his facial expression changes. Also, the camera has the flicker flash before the actual snapping of the picture---that throws Gage off too. I think I need to run get one of the disposables so I can snap the pictures without the flicker flash.

Gage is now wearing Size 2 diapers! He'll be 8 weeks this Friday. I'm anxious to find out his weight & length today at the dr's office.

That's all for now!


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