Life Is Just So Daily

Monday, September 13, 2004


This may be TMI for lots of people....but here goes.

Well, I had my doctor's appointment on Thursday @ 3:45...Got out of there well
after 7.
The good news: I dont have an ectopic pregnancy.
The bad news: I am not pregnant at all. I have a "growth" on my right ovary.
Looks like a "complex cyst with interior walls". It's about the size of a
walnut my doctor says.
Those who've known me for years--know that I've had ovarian cysts before.
This one is different because of it's "complexity". It is interfering with
my hormone levels. It is not blocking bloodflow to my right ovary, so that's
good. It does not appear to be blocking my fallopian tube, but has stopped
me from ovulating on the right side & the abnormal hormone levels are
preventing me from having a period....which made us think we were pregnant. We were disappointed with the first negative pregnancy then we repeated it a few days later....then I had a blood pregnancy test...all negative.

My doctor doesnt want to do surgery on the cyst now because it's been growing since July & is only the size of a walnut. The doctor says that my body will hopefully
reabsorb the cyst & it wont need to be removed at all. He says that
he is going to start me on hormone therapy to start my period, and hopefully
it will also start shrinking the cyst. We'll look at the cyst again in
October. If the cyst grows in diameter or density by October, my doctor says
that we will remove it.

The other bad doctor does not think we should start planning a
family for a minimum of 6 months, but he really thinks we should wait about
a year before we start trying. He wants my body to be a "desirable
environment" for a baby...(thus reducing my chances of ectopic preg &/or
miscarriages). Great. Telling this to the most impatient girl in the world!
And what is that phrase: "desirable environment". I'm desirable dammit!!! We're talking prime real estate in this uterus!!!!

...excuse me...that's really gross for some to read...
oh well, I think it's funny.

Okay, so hormone therapy. Well, Eckerd's had to order the drug, and I get to pick it up today after work. They originally thought that they had it there in the store but only in generic. Well, they were wrong & ordered it for us. So, I get to start it tonight. The doctor already told me to warn my husband. So--he's been warned.
I'll keep the blog posted on our progress...

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