You've GOT to be kidding me.

Gage has the flu.
Urgent Care took care of us this morning. They didn't open until 9am. By then, he'd already had Tylenol, but his temp only went down to 100.2 (hey, I'll take it b/c that's less than it was!)...
What else? Oh, I was scheduled to work a 12 hour shift, but naturally, I was late because I had to get everything else situated this morning.
Why couldn't Hubby get everything situated? Because we were supposed to be (or...rather, HE was supposed to be) hosting a birthday party for my father in law at our house. There was a venue change, and he had to reroute the catering. He had to go pick up the birthday cake at 10 this morning. Had to get that over to the party ahead of time, along with the gift we ordered: two slabs of ribs from Rendezvous Ribs in Memphis (they ship them and I hear they are delicious!).... He had his hands full too!
Other small detail: Gage told me this morning as we were waiting for Urgent Care to open, "my legs feel wibbly wabbly when I walk." WTF does that mean? I was afraid he was feeling dizzy or light-headed. I made him lay down. I'm pregnant and can't carry him, so I made him hold my hand to the car and into Urgent Care. Turns out: oxygen saturations were hanging out between 86% and 90%. "We need you to take several deeeeeeeeeep breaths for us." They came up to 96%-100% when we reminded him to breathe.
Flu test: positive.
Chest x-ray: negative for pneumonia (which I thought it would be, since that's a rather opportunistic condition, and these symptoms came on so suddenly. But, I was thankful that they were cautious enough to go ahead & check).
Tamiflu? Oh, it's like liquid gold these days. Hardly anyone has the liquid and we were lucky enough to find one local pharmacy with some in stock. I was also instructed to get a pulse-ox machine to measure Gage's oxygen saturations. Awesome.
So---we got Tylenol, Ibuprofen, & Tamiflu to treat the little guy. We've now got plenty of popsicles and drinks to keep him hydrated. He's good about letting us take his temp & frequently check his pulse-ox. Well, I say that....I did morning duty with Gage and Daddy's home with him now. Daddy has reported to me that Gage has been very cooperative, so that's good.
Gage has been sooooo upset that he's going to miss out on birthday cake, so his aunt is bringing him PLENTY of cake to the house. {I have to admit that I'm looking forward to cake too!}
So---my poor sicko kiddo CANNOT catch a break. Seriously! Since Christmas break he's had strep, laryngitis, we've scheduled tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy surgery, and now the flu! Will this delay his surgery for Wednesday? I dunno yet. I'll have to call the ENT if they are open on Monday.
Poor buddy just needs orange cones set up all around him!
Labels: Gage
ugh! glad you were able to get him seen, tested, & started on tamiflu! will pray that it does its job and its short lived for him! this flu season SUCKS!!!
Poor baby! I know you hate to see him like this. The flu is the WORST! Good luck to all of you!
Poor guy!
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