Life Is Just So Daily

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bah Humbug! Anyone else?

Okay, so I've done a bunch of Christmas posts, and the lights are up, and the tree is done, and there's been SOME decorating around here.
And shopping! Lord, has there ever been some shopping!

But---I really haven't decorated like I have in the past, and it's just really kind of all come together recently....and there are bins & bins of stuff that just needs to go back up into the attic. I open these boxes, look at the stuff...and then think: if I put this out, I'll just have to pick it back up & pack it back up in a few weeks when I "undecorate." Screw it. And I put it back in the bin.

Anyone else feeling this way?
I just don't feel like fritzin' around with most of the stuff!!!



At 8:57 AM , Blogger Beth said...

"Bah Humbug" happening here, too.
There are boxes of decorations I never even brought up from the basement. And I'm starting to feel (get!) fat from all the shortbread I'm eating.

At 9:57 AM , Blogger Just Jiff said...

Ditto. I think the warmer than normal weather has dampened our spirits, as well as less money this time of year. Bleh.

At 12:20 PM , Blogger Pregnantly Plump said...

For us it's not so much Bah Humbug as it is reality. I put our smaller tree in the playpen with only the ornaments I deemed unbreakable. Still, little elvis has broken 2, and the cats have destroyed the branches. Asfor our gifts, they are all wrapped and stored in a closet. Our house looks so sad, but at least I'm not yelling all the time.

At 6:49 PM , Blogger Shoeaddict said...

I HATE the "undecorating". Just like I HATE the unpacking after a trip.

At 7:09 PM , Blogger Lainey-Paney said...

shoeaddict: me too. unpacking after a trip is just AWFUL!

At 1:06 PM , Blogger lisa said...

Oh, Lord Yes! We barely have up our tree.

At 2:38 PM , Blogger Kate said...

I hear you. I just finished decorating today and thought, ugh, I'll have to take this down... I also went with a more (relatively) minimal look this year. That's what I'm calling it. Not laziness.

I will admit that once I got done with school, I started to get excited about Christmas.


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