Feeling Overwhelmed?

Lexapro can help.
Still feeling overwhelmed? Have another.
"Hi, um, is this the doctor's office?"
"Yeah, well, um...I was just wondering...how many Lexapro is too many? I mean...every time I got mad or sad or feelin' bad, thinkin' 'bout the things that I never had...yeah, I just popped another one. Just callin' to report that I'm FEELING GREAT! Who says that you can't live on the mountain top? I'm livin' on a pile o prozac, baby!" {okay not really, but these are the make believe conversations that mom & I have & just kind of ad-lib along the way...}
"I was about to cry about....but then I took another Lexapro. Now I couldn't cry if you punched me in the stomach..."
"What's better than Lexapro?"
"TWO Lexapro!"
Okay...this may be offensive to some. I certainly hope not. Hello. In my line of work, I am certainly a big fan of anti-depressants & I am very well aware that they help a lot of people. But hey---if you can't have fun with it, well....why the hell not?
I think it's great, but....you interchanged your antidepressants...Lexapro vs Prozac!!! =)
Lexapro maintained my sanity for YEARS. When I got off of it (cold turkey...NEVER do that!)I was asked several times by my husband to get back on it!! I've been off of it for 6 months now (after 5+ years of taking it) and think I am doing O.K....hubby might have a different take on that though : )
Yeah...I know...Pile of Prozac sounds better than Pile of Lexapro. I'm just sayin'...
As you know, I am a big fan of the anti-depressant. I'm an even bigger fan of making fun of them. And me. Good times. =)
Can you offer some in a giveaway, pretty please???? LOL
ive actually found myself wondering just how many mg of xannax i can take before something bad happens. and if something bad happens what happens, do i like fall asleep, die, feel drunk WHAT.
a few weeks ago i came off of my lithium after reaching a full dose of lamictal. well last week my husband basically told me i was becoming an asshole again. so i called my dr who upped my lamictal, kept my wellbutrin the same and put me back on half a dose of valium with a side of xannax as needed....that is one hell of a cocktail huh
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