Life Is Just So Daily

Monday, August 24, 2009

Wednesday, 8/19. Dinner Out! Wednesday, 8/19, Megan, Susan, and I sat at La Madeleine's in NorthPark & just talked & talked, and talked.
It was so great.

....but, I didn't snap a single picture.

I did get to go see the $45K Mont Blanc "TEXAS" pen though...
okay...okay, I couldn't find a picture of the Texas pen....but it looks similar to this one, which was given to Bush back in 2002 by Lt.General Shaykh Mohammad bin Zayid al-Nuhayyan of the UAE {according to, anyway... like I knew that random bit of information. right...}

Anyway...we would have started Gage's back-to-school shopping right there at the Mont Blanc store {hello!? What preschool DOESN'T need a $45-THOUSAND DOLLAR pen? duh.}, but it just wasn't covered under the umbrella of "tax-free" because it's over a hundred dollars. Hmph!

Anyway---we gals did have fun hanging out, and I still feel like there were 800 different things that I wanted to talk about but we just didn't get to those topics. We need a girls get-away weekend!!!

And when I got home....this little guy was waiting for me to snuggle him.

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At 12:50 PM , Blogger Lainey-Paney said...

...I look kind of creepy in that bottom picture.
Sorry 'bout that.
Wasn't trying to look creepy, I promise.

At 7:06 PM , Blogger Kate said...

Don't worry--you always look adorable.

I love to write, but for $45,000, a pen ought to do all of the writing for me.

At 7:07 AM , Blogger misguidedmommy said...

i think you look hot in the bottem picture.

a 45k pen, now i know why our economy is fuckyed


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