Happy Earth Day ! ! !

Well, around here we recycle...a lot.
I'm often referred to as "the recycling nazi".
So, we didn't plant a tree or anything today...just the usual stuff.
What we didn't do that I wanted to do: go to the Green Apple Festival over the weekend. Our weekend was very full with family, fun, & friends....so the Green Apple Fest just didn't work out for this year. There's always next year!
Today...I walked 4 miles with Gage in his stroller. I'm so freaking proud of myself.
I know, I know...it would be more impressive to say "I ran 4 miles with Gage in his stroller!"....but, I don't yet have a jogging stroller, and I haven't run in...a while.
So tomorrow....who knows? Maybe I'll walk a million miles...
Or maybe I'll walk to buy a jogging stroller, and then run home!
(not likely...)
Labels: Holidays
Good for you--all around. Don't worry about not running. Walking 4 miles pushing a toddler is a big deal. And some day you can run--you have to start somewhere.
And when/if you look into a jogging stroller, my friends have had great luck with ebay and craigslist.
Hey walking is good. :)
I recycle like mad, too.
I impressed with the 4 miles. Good job!
It has been forever since I've taken a "real" walk - good for you!
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