Remember how I just posted about my terrible day yesterday?

You know what is worse than a screaming toddler in a grocery store?
Jetting about in your new car, on your way to do something unexpected & nice for someone, swerving to miss a squirrel, hitting a "big city t*tty" speed bump & busting out your tire....
As if that wasn't bad enough, it's about nine thousand degrees outside, and my car was filled with the sounds & echoes of a screaming toddler.
How many people do you think offered assistance? I can count the number of people on ZERO hands. ZERO people. And---if it weren't for the f*cking lug nuts, I wouldn't have needed any help.
So, my husband left work & came & changed my tire. I got the jack out, and the spare tire out...I did all that. I could NOT however loosen the lug nuts.
You know what brings out the worst in people? Flat tires. Flat tires bring out the worst in people.
Oh, and my husband has instructed me to mow down squirrels in the future rather than swerve to miss them.
I can't bring myself to do that. Sure, my day sucked....but at least the squirrel is still alive...probably nesting in someone's attic right now....chewing through their wiring. And it's okay. It was probably someone who saw me trying to change my tire on the side of the road alone & didn't offer to help.
Is it tomorrow yet??????????
OMg, girl have a drink. Or 7. xoxo
eeeeek! actually, as much as i am an animal lover, you really should just hit animals. i've lost a friend to the same thing, slightly bigger animal. i know it's an instinct, but don't swerve! i'm glad you are ok and that your husband was able to help you! hang in! i agree with mamalee, have a big ole drink!
My mom used to tell me that my biorhythms were off on days like these. Well, there are times I just want to tell her to take her biorhythms and shove 'em. Sorry you are having such a rotten couple of days. I love the story of the leaves, though. You are right - God gives us moments like these so we don't wring their little necks.
And, for the record, had you been at my grocery store, I would have probably hugged you. Goodness knows I've walked the path of tantrums more times than my age...
I'm sorry that you're having such a craptastic's only Tuesday.
re: yesterdays post, I've been that lady in the grocery store. Will is only 14 months, so I'll be that lady again reeeal soon.
Since having Maggie, I ALWAYS try to distract or amuse a little one if I see something like that.
Something as simple as an, "Are you ok? or Ahhh, the JOYS of parenting, huh?" can do wonders.
I totally would have helped you with your lug nuts too.
Hope the next few days go much smoother and tantrum-free.
Most likely he was the squirrel i hit on the way home from school. Just consider it a favor.
Girl, its called roadside assistance! - Mikey
Mikey! How are you & Kat, and Miss Gabby?
...oh, and I could have called for roadside assistance....but they always take too long!
i love it...wishing chewed wires on the assholes who left you hanging. me and my road rage would have thrown rocks at people
*I* would have stopped to help you.
I know all about tire trouble. I can't believe no one offered to help. A few weeks ago when our tire went flat, about 39 people asked if they could help. However, that may have had something to do with my big ass pregnant belly.
Oh, NO! Funny: "count the number of people on ZERO hands."
ummm yeah on this one... sorry I no longer stop to help any one or anything anymore, but I will call 911 for you on my cell....
I stopped to help a puppy on the side of a higway once and well... it turned out to be a puppy attached to a large pack of wild dogs..... ummm yeah that day sucked !
!!!!!!! LOL!!!
Girl, you crack me up!
When I was 16, I swerved to miss a squirrel, and hit a fence, which totaled my car. I totally feel your pain.
Hooray! It's tomorrow, aka The New Today. Hope it's better, at least.
I would have stopped but would have been useless to you. You and I and Gage could have all wailed together.
You're having such a run of bad luck.
But your sense of humor is intact!
Aw crap.
I'd go to sleep with a bottle of wine.
Oh no! I'm glad you are ok all you got was the flat. Not worth swerving if it's your safety in the car. I'm an animal lover, don't get me wrong.
I hope you don't have work or school today :)
I hate flat tires, there is nothing like the sounds of a flat tire that will make my stomach drop to my knees. And it's ALWAYS the lugnuts that gets us! Why do they need to make them so tight that no women would be able to loosen them? Maybe it's some grand conspiracy to keep us dependant upon "the Man".
Here's hoping today is a better day...I mean it can't be worse...right?
I'm so sorry. Hopefully your week will start looking up.
Suck! Yeah.. had it been me I would NOT have been able to change said tire myself. I probably would have cried.
Ha! It kinda cracks me up though that Gage was like "Moommmy!! Driiiibe IT!" Like it's that simple... It reminds me of when I was a kid and my mom would tell me we didn't have the money for something and I would be like, "Well, then write a check!" Hee! Totally clueless!
Oh you poor thing. I would definitely have drank myself until I passed out. I have only had one flat tire and I cried and cried over it. Hopefully today is better for you!
Sounds like a double chocolate day. No, wait. A chocolate martini day.
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