Let's Talk Halloween Decor...
Do you go all out & decorate your home for Halloween?
I just....don't.
I put up all kinds of decorations for Gage's birthday party, and I generally go all out for Christmas.
Last year....or the year before, i bought some Halloween lights to put up. Little ghosts or pumpkins or something. i haven't put them out yet....they are still in the box. So far this year, I haven't gotten any pumpkins to set out....
What about you guys?
I *DID* actually remember to bring my Halloween skirt w/ me today. It needs to be altered. I've worn it once before, on Gage's 1st Halloween. But, I didn't wear it last year. This year----I'm gettit it altered, and I'm going to wear it! It's cute...it looks like a spider web & has a spider on it. I just put it on while Gage goes trick or treating. (or that's what I did in the past....)
And....randomly---here's a Halloween pic for you!
Imagine going to THIS costume party!

OMG! i LOVE that!
Ya know, when my kids were little, we decorated for Halloween...spider webs in the bushes,,spooky music playing. My husband was Dracula one year and jumped out of the trees scaring the kids!
Now? The little brats are lucky I even GIVE candy!!! ;)
OMG! That picture cracks me UP! Hahaha!! I don't think I would ever have the ballz to pull that off- but it's HILARIOUS!
Your skirt sounds cute!
Oh- and I don't have kids YET, but I do not decorate at ALL for Halloween. However, we are the kind of people that leave our X-mas lights up year round so we don't have to bother with the whole taking-down and putting-up thing. Very lazy... AHEM: I mean Low Maintenance.
We don't decorate anymore.
We used to have black-lights on the porch, scary music, spiderwebs, fake gravestones, etc...
Now, Joe works every Halloween (He's a police officer) and I'm out with the kids trick-or-treating, so why bother??
Some people go all out in our neighbourhood but the majority simply put a lit pumpkin out front.
I bought my pumpkin early this year. With the warm weather we're having, it will probably rot by Halloween!
(Great pic!)
That completly freaked me out!
THAT is the best costume ever!
I have a hard enough time decorating for Xmas. I do get all into the seasonal scented candles and potpourri ("looks like breakfast, smells like your auntie"-Coupling)
That picture is so disgusting. Awesomely disgusting.
I want to see a picture of that skirt. It sounds cute.
OMG, that's hilarious. If it weren't such a cumbersome costume, I'd make it for my hubby. Halloween is our Christmas. We go all out. Sadly, this year I'm having surgery right before Halloween and I think we should go easy. However, I think he'll just stick me on the couch and go about his Halloween display. LOL!
That costume is hysterical!!
I don't really decorate for Halloween anymore. Seems like a hassle, but maybe it's b/c we don't get any trick or treaters. Next year maybe I'll get back in the groove if we manage to move by then.
I do have a scarecrow that sings. I plugged it in. That's going all out. hehe.
i started buying those blow up spiders that light up on the inside about 4 years ago.. I bought one each year, so now I have 4. My goal is to cover the house in spiders.. keep the one theme ya know.
Yes we do. Just spent about $100 on decorations to add to the ones we've been collecting for the last 4 years or so. We got the inside of the house done yesterday and hope to get the outside done sometime this week.
I used to decorate for fall until we decided to start remodeling our living room, 2.5 years later...we are still remodeling. We usually carve a bunch of pumpkins a couple days before Halloween.
I go all out for christmas though, remodeling or not. I love christmas decorations.
That is the BEST Halloween costume ever!!! I do Halloween decorations. I am too lazy.
If you consider cutting up a pumpkin and placing in a candle, then yes, we decorate. That's all we do though. I figure in a couple of years we might put up more stuff, if Little Elvis is into it. I'm kind of considering not putting up a tree this year since the limbs and ornaments might be too attractive to our then ten month old.
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VBIAKO Nice Article.
RPrl5Q Thanks to author.
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actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Please write anything else!
Please write anything else!
Wonderful blog.
Please write anything else!
wa02D9 Thanks to author.
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