Oh the Drama!
Okay...I haven't been on since...what? Wednesday??
Anyway...yesterday was mega-dramaful at work. So dramaful (if that's a word!) that I don't even want to expend another single drop of energy on it.
[I don't think energy is really measured in "drops", but whatever.]
Okay...I was just interrupted in my post.
One of the doctors came into my office to talk & make sure that I'm okay with...blah, blah, blah....some of the work stuff. I say "blah, blah, blah" not b/c I don't care about what he was talking about...but because again, I don't really feel like getting into all of it here.
Anyway, it at least made me feel good that he appreciates my contributions to discussions about what has been going on, and what is going to happen in the near future, and appreciates the valid points I've made that allow him to address the issues & make the proposal stronger...yada, yada, everyone probably doesn't care.
And right now---I shouldn't either.
I have a paper due tonight in my class...it's worth 70% of my final grade. Great.
I was here at the hospital working on it last night until 10 or 10:30.
I read what I had at the end of the night & self-evaluated it at a D- or a D.
Vicki read it & evaluated it at a C...so, either she's too nice, or I'm generally too critical of myself & my work. Who knows.
Anyway...I'd say I've got about 40% to go until it's what I consider an A paper.
Wish me luck.
And, since you're wishing for me already---wish my dull headache away.
Fill your sink with warm to hot water and submerge your hands in it. That might take care of the headache. You'll probably think I'm crazy, but it's true.
Good luck!
I suggest something similar but kind of opposite that works for me. I run very cold water and put my wrist under it for about ten seconds. If a headache is coming, I can sometimes divert it or if it is already here, I can numb it a bit.
Good luck with your paper. And if it is any consolation, the papers I always thought sucked usually got me the highest marks.
Good luck, Lainey! Hope the headache goes away. I hate papers, so I have no words of calming for you.
Yes, dramaful is a word. At least when you're working it is...
Good luck w/the paper and the headache, I don't know which is worse!
I never understood how one paper could be 70% of your final grade.
That just seems silly. It's like you can goof off and then get serious for one thing - a procrastinator's dream.
Hope the paper was well-received--worth 70% of your grade, holy cow! That isn't right.
Having spent many long years sudying I can totally empathise. Hope it all goes well. Good luck.
Good luck with the paper, another headache cure suggestion -- pinch the fleshy spot between your thumb and pointer finger. This is a temporary fix, but it does help in a pinch.
A paper? School? Ugh.
Good luck on your paper and headache be gone!!!
I drink caffeine sometimes and it zaps away my headache. Plus you get a nice buzz.
Oh, what's your paper on? Some lovely social workey thing? I feel for you sista! BTDT and ain't going back. If you need something, let me know!
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