Mystic or Mistake?
So....I tried the "Mystic Tan" thing...
Certainly, it had its ups & downs.
I tried it b/c I wanted to be tan for Megan's wedding (in May), but I didn't want to do it RIGHT before the wedding b/c what if I totally screwed it up, and looked like Ross from Friends? (who hasn't seen that episode???) day, we stop by a tanning place at Casa Linda. I thought---"hey, I'll try it."
It was twenty bucks for one session, or 3 sessions for 40 or 50 bucks...
I did not buy the 3 package special, b/c I didn't know if I would like it or not.
Anyway...the guy working in the shop gives me detailed directions on what to do, where to stand, what not to do, not to breathe, don't open your eyes....yada, yada, yada.
Um...okay. How hard could it be, right? stand in this booth....about as big as my desk at work.
It's dark in there (have I mentioned my fear of the dark?)
The guy told me to just hold my breath while it was spraying. Okay.
Well, even when it's NOT spraying & you need oxygen for survival, that stuff is all floaty in the air. You're breathing it in.
And...a word to the careful of the wrists.
I put the cream on my hands & feet like I was supposed to. Shielded the palms of my hands appropriately.
Didn't think about the wrists.
They looked freaky.
Good news: it fades in just a few days.
Bad news: it fades in just a few days.
Oh, and it stinks. You have to leave it on for 4 hours without washing. By the 4th hour, I was sooooo sick of smelling myself! And, that night, I had dinner with Susan, David, and Megan. I'm sure they were sick of smelling me too!
Even when I showered, I still felt like I could smell it IN my skin.
So...would I do it again? Maybe.
Am I completely sold on it & think it's the best thing ever? No.
What I want to try now: Airbrush tanning. Apparently they can strategically place different hues to enhance your cleavage, or make it look like you have super-defined abs!
Um, okay....where do I sign up for that??? I will definitely pay for that!
Wanna smell the worst smell ever? Of course you do...when someone says "smell this, its bad" we all take an expectant sniff, don't we?
Well (1) go get your mystic tan, then (2)go work out immediately! Sweat plus un-naturally tanned skin = STANK-ONIA! (to maximize stankification, I sometimes eat a bunch of garlic 12-24 hours before steps 1 and 2...this makes me sweat garlic) YUMMY!
I went and got the airbrush tan last year for the beach and it looked AWESOME! Only problem was the airbrush thing leaked on my big toe while she was doing it, so I have one REALLY black toe lol! But I recommend it.. It was only 20 bucks here..
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