Life Is Just So Daily

Friday, March 02, 2007


So, yesterday, I was apologized to...or was I?

One quick way to make a situation worse?
Call me to apologize, and get yourself in deeper.

"I'm just calling to apologize. I'm so sorry that we had a misunderstanding. I think we both...."
Stop right there.
Don't speak for me.
I'm quite clear on what happened yesterday.
I'm also clear on the fact that you are apologizing today, about 30 minutes after your boss just left my office.
You are not doing this because you feel compelled to do so.
You didn't think you were in the wrong yesterday when you were running your mouth and didn't know that it was ME on the other end of that phone.

"You just didn't know what I meant..."
Again, stop right there.
I didn't know what you "meant" b/c what you said yesterday is different than what you are saying today.

If you are going to call me to "apologize", the first thing out of your mouth needs to be, "Is this a good time for you?"

And, when your apology sucks, try not to be offended when I say the following:
"Please don't speak for me or the motivations for my action."
"Don't push blame off on me."
"What you've just told me is contradictory to your statements yesterday."
"This is not particularly the best time for me to be having this conversation."
"If this was your attempt at regaining my confidence, you have failed."
"And I agree, what happened IS UNFORTUNATE."

And when you just wouldn't stop talking....oh my! I don't want to hear, "Next time we talk, maybe we'll get it right." I don't think I had any problems communicating to you what my request was...and perhaps I did throw in a little sarcasm when you told me that you did something, and then later told me that same task was not your job. Maybe it was a little sarcastic to say, "Really? Did you just get a promotion? Because 30 minutes ago when you said that you did it, it was your job then."

Oh....screw it.
I'm so done with this!

Calgon---take me away!


At 9:30 AM , Blogger Mojavi said...

nice.... I Hope you actually said those thiongs to the person... sometimes we want to say that but end up being PC... your come backs were very Eloquent.

At 9:34 AM , Blogger A. Nonny Mouse said...

Oh Lainey, I'm sorry.

I hope that you did say those things, too. I usually wind up coming up with things like that to say hours after the conversation is over.

I hope that things get better for you soonly. :)

At 9:40 AM , Blogger Lainey-Paney said...

I was pretty on top of my game--don't you think?


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