Life Is Just So Daily

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Bah Bah Black Sheep

....Well, Eliette wasn't the black sheep in the church nativity, though she probably should have been! She wasn't the black sheep only because ALL of the sheep costumes were white.

So, there was a church nativity.
So, Eliette was cast as a sheep.
Some would say that the timing of the event was unfortunately planned at Eliette's nap time. Others would simply say, "there she goes again" as she RAN OFF EVERYWHERE.
This mom would say, "WHERE IS THE SHEPHERD? ISN'T HE SUPPOSED TO BE HERDING THE SHEEP?" Eliette would probably say, "I was clearly cast into the wrong role. I am not a sheep. I am not made to be a follower!"

For the brief moments she participated, she was a pretty cute little sheep.

 She also refused to wear her shoes at church that day. Socks were ditched too.

Not pictured: Eliette taking off and running through the halls of the church, Eliette taking off and running through the parking lot (after church, open space), me chasing her, and also not pictured: me accidentally standing in an ant bed (better me than her with her little bare feet!) and having others hold all of my stuff while I danced them off. Good times....

Be in the Nativity next year? Oh, I'll have to think long and hard about that....
Back at home:
Then there was this happy little dancing doll:

Not at ALL the darting the dashing toddler that was with me at the church. TGFN: thank goodness for naps!

So where was Gage in all of this? He refused to be a part of the Nativity. Someone thinks he's getting too big. {sniff, sniff}

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