This blog is sooo lagging.
Let me just say that I sat down today to blog about E's birthday.
Well, the computer wouldn't connect to the network. It was at a point in my day when the beds were made, the house was clean, the baby was napping, laundry was going, and I had five damn minutes for myself. Well, lo & behold if the doorbell didn't ring a few seconds after I started cursing the situation, and it was all a mute point anyway.... Five minutes for myself? What was I thinking??? Life would take care of that.
Clearly right now, I've carved out a few minutes to update the blog, but mentally, I'm just not there right now. I'm frustrated with a lot of things lately, but right this minute: it's the fact that the camera roll on my iphone is full. Every other picture prompts the "too full" message and this pocket-sized gadget forces me to choose which image to erase. I hate the guilt and the pressure! So....anyway, I've had a problem getting the pictures exported from my phone to my PC, and this is a new problem for me. Same PC. Same phone. So, what's going on!?!? I've googled it and tried to problem solve, and it may be a simple fix such as updating iTunes, but for whatever reason it's "not responding" to me today. It must be able to sense my mood.
So---I have a bazillion things that I could and should blog about.
Technology is just not on my side these days.
Everything will just have to wait.
Labels: Laine's Just Sayin'