
It's Saturday.
I am ramping up for a busy week.
I will be working 39.5 hours this week, which is just practically unheard of in the world of Lainey-Paney. Plus, I have internship stuff on my days off. Good times.
Gage is getting better from his pneumonia.....FINALLY!
I still let him ride his bike in the house. Yeah, I'm cool like that.
All the men around me are falling apart medically, I swear! Hubby's blood pressure shot UP yesterday to the point that he busted capillaries in his eyes while at work. Went & had his BP checked, and it was off to the dr's office for him. He's never been dx'd with hypertension, so this was kind of odd. Yes, his bp was elevated, but even more than that, he felt like his heart was racing, and indeed it was. Resting pulse of 109. That's no good. So, he was sent home w/ instructions for monitoring his bp over a period of time & this handy monitor that I got for him. It's really been better than it was yesterday, but still---at rest, it's in the "pre-hypertension" range & his resting pulse hasn't fallen below 90 yet. Good times.
My papa (grandfather) is in need of a pacemaker, should he choose to pursue that...I spent last Wednesday w/ him at the internist's office, and then to the cardiologist...blood work this week....2nd opinion at the VA.....it's going to be a big decision for him. And....so....there's that. My grandmother can't keep driving him to & from the hospital where his doctors are, so Dad & I have agreed to carry that load, and we'll just have to work it all out as the appointments come up. But none of us can tell Papa what to choose. That's the biggest issue: him deciding it he wants to pursue it, or what life may look like if he chooses not to.
Papa Joe---Gage's grandfather....he's having health issues too, and his may really turn out to be...well, rather devastating. Testing so far seems to indicate that, but certainly he has further testing to endure. So, we're all trying to remain optimistic.
Hubby has his CHL renewal stuff coming up, so I'm gonna have to come up with something fun for Gage & I to do while Daddy's off doing that. The frigid cold is really limiting our choices there! But, I'm sure we'll be able to come up with something!
House renovations: they are supposed to start Monday. But, then again, the materials were supposed to be delivered yesterday or day before. They weren't ready yet, or weren't available, or something. So, they're not here yet. The whole "start on the 11th and completion ETA of 14 days later"....yeah, I'm really not thinking that's going to happen. Whatever. Lexapro helps me not care about that, and I'm really setting my sights on having a new master bath & walk-in closet by Valentine's Day. In my mind, that's the appropriate time frame, and I won't be pissed until 2/15 if it's not done!
Speaking of house renovations....went to price some of the materials and items that we will be providing. I mentioned buying the following already: towel rings, light sconces, mirrors, & tile. All those things---done. Went to Lowe's to price doors. I have something to say about that: "ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME?" I'm a big fan of doors. I like opening them...closing them....on occasion, slamming them. I will never again take a door for granted. never. The price of doors is fucking mind blowing. Hubby's over there spouting stuff about a "Three-Oh-Six-Oh" door. What? I, having no idea what he's talking about, responded with, "Well, this one cost $307, not $306. Is that for ONE? One door??? Does that include the installation price? Does it automatically open for me as I approach? Why does it cost so much?" Really, I was floored. $307 for ONE door. I need to two to fit the wall opening. So, if I get the door set that I want---it's $614 for the two door panels. That doesn't include the framing/casing/whatever that's called, or the door handles.
Sorry if I'm ranting. It's just that---we bought a house. It already had doors. I had no idea that they can be so expensive. I mean---I figured that replacing your front door may be pricey, but an interior door that just shuts off your closet from your bathroom? $307 for that?
Anyway...this is going to be tons of fun. I'll try not to rant about the price of things on here too much. And besides, I got such a great deal on my other stuff----I saved over $800 from my mirror/towel rings/light sconces purchase, and we saved $$ on the tile too. So, all that $$ we saved just may go to doors.....
Gage started back to school this past week.
It was a rough transition back, I'm not gonna lie.
Whew! But, he'll get back into the swing of things. He's still in love with M, and still glad to play with his best school buddy, Will. So, that's good.
We've been enjoying our Wii very much these days. In fact---Hubby & Gage made a trip to Game Stop today to surprise Mommy with this:

I'm so very excited, YOU DONKEY!
And of course, they had to pick out a few other things like this...

....and this.

I have a feeling those boys are going to be Wii'ing it for a while...and maybe...just maybe I'll get to play my Hell's Kitchen game tonight after Gage goes to bed. I suppose we'll see...
That's about all I know for now.
Labels: Family, Gage, gage school, home decor, House, Laine's Just Sayin', video games
LOVE the Super Mario Bros game! I have been playing Wii Fit Plus all day...well, aside from making a card...ya know! Let me know how Hell's Kitchen is...that way I will know if I need to buy it! ha!
dude isn't Mario the freaking best. I want to play it all day every day but I have to parent and be a wife here and there. You MUST tell me how the hells kitchen one is I love love love that show.
ps go answer the question on my blog
You need to be looking on Craigslist for doors too. You might just get lucky again.
Oh and that Mario game. I am SO GETTING IT!
We got M&M racing tonight - that is fun! We have Indiana Jones, too, but to me, that's too much like the DS version...which is FAR cheaper (if you have a DS, which we do, and now we have IJ for both systems, ugh).
My boys are content with the basic Wii Sports - they play it ALL THE TIME...at least it generates heat so they are freezing in our heater-less house...
I have to ask......how cold is frigid cold? Because it was 0 or below last week in Missouri :) good luck with the renovations! I had great luck with online vendors for our fixtures.
Let me know how Gage does with the Wii games. We got one for Christmas and have been trying to figure out what games will engage him. So far, we just have Wii Sport and Fit +. He liked creating his Mii and lasts through about one game of baseball, and that's it.
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