Product Review! Alterna Hair Caviar...

No, I'm not getting paid to do this, and I didn't get any free shampoo/conditioner from the company. I got it from my mom!
This shampoo & conditioner was such a treat. I always looked foward to using it when I would visit my mom. It smells great. It feels great. Makes your hair feel great!
....and then I got my own. {thanks Mom!}
But...{yes, sadly, there is a but} I have really dry scalp. I just do. Can't help it. Loved this shampoo and conditioner at first. Now, not so much. Makes my hair feel great, but my scalp is getting dry again.
So, it's back to the TiGi Oatmeal & Honey routine for me. That's been the most helpful at moisturizing my hair & scalp, and it smells like cake batter. MMmmmm!

Labels: product review
The oatmeal & honey shampoo sounds interesting, I may have to try it!
So, do you have flakes??? You know I would make fun of you if I saw you and you had flakes!!! =) Only cause I love you.
mmm cake batter....yum!
Yay a new hair product to try! Well, two new hair products.
I linked you on my post about more life in Vermont.
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