Catch Up !!!!

Today, I scheduled Gage's Pediatric Cardiologist appointment.
Yes, this is all new.
See....when Gage was very brand new---not even home from the hospital yet, I noticed that he was going blue around his nose & mouth, and I took him down to the hall to the nursery. The nurses there told me that it was "the circle of mora". I have no idea if I spelled that correctly or not. Anyway, they told me that it was completely normal after nursing. But---I had not just nursed him. I had just taken a shower & walked by him in the little rolly bassinet and I saw that his mouth & nose were blue!
A few weeks later, we were at home, and I saw it again. Called the pediatrician's office & they told me to bring him in right away.
By the time we got there, it was resolved, and he looked normal.
The pediatrician who saw us (not our regular doc, but one of his partners) said that it was most likely from an immature vascular system.
So, I would see this on my child, and not think much of it.
My mom saw it.
My husband finally saw it.
I was convinced that prior to him actually seeing it too that he thought I was just seeing things!
And you know, sometimes I would think that maybe I would just THINK he looked blue around his mouth because he had such pink cheeks. Or, I'd think that maybe he just looked blue around his mouth because his skin is so fair....
But, when my husband started noticing it too, and when they told me that he would outgrow it & he still hasn't...well, it just made me a little more concerned.
And then my friend Susan saw it too. She noted that his lips weren't purple, his tongue wasn't purple, and his nailbeds looked normal---so at least those are good things! But, it was abnormal to her too!
And, my biological father died when I was 5 years old. My mom recently told me that on his autopsy report, they mentioned a congenital heart defect. has been suggested that we get Gage cleared by a Pediatric Cardiologist. This all may be nothing. It may truly be an immature vascular system. But, what if it's not, and I'm the mom who ignored stuff for years, and then he drops dead on the football field when he's in high school because he had some undiagnosed heart defect that could have been repaired? Well, then I'd never forgive myself!
So, we're getting the autopsy report from the ME's office in San Antonio, and he's got his Cardiologist appointment on 7/15. I think I'll just feel better after that if the Cardiologist says, "this is something that happens to some children. It's nothing to worry about. His heart is perfect."
In other news....
4th of July: I worked.
But, Gage always goes to the Golf Cart Parade out in Rockwall at his Memaw & Poppa's house. And by always...I mean, he's been 3 times now.
He loves it.
And...I'm convinced that the following image from the parade is the reason why Gage hasn't slept well ever since!
Seriously---how scary is THAT!!??
They throw out candy at the parade. Gage & Poppa were sitting on the curb near a drain, and the candy would sometimes roll into the drain. Gage told the candy throwers, "Y'all aren't very good tossers!"
He's so funny!
After I came home from work, we headed out to Garland for the Star Spangled Fourth. We got a primo parking space, much to our surprise. When we were there, there really weren't all that many booths to check out. I saw ZERO crafts or anything that resembled festival shopping. I mean, we were surrounded by stores, but not the craft booths I expected to see. There were plenty of food booths, but it was sooooooo hot. There was no way I could eat out there in that heat. Especially since all Gage wanted to do was stand directly in front of the band & dance. I danced with him a lot. I mean, when your little boy comes up to you, takes your hand, and says "Want to go dance with me?" and leads you to the empty dance floor---what are you going to do? It melts your heart. So, with over a hundred people watching, you sweat & dance your fanny off!
When I could no longer hold him, it was Daddy's turn!
So...out of our desire for air conditioning, Gage was asked, "Do you want to get something to eat here, or do you want to eat at Chuck E. Cheese?"
His decision:
There really was no other way to get him away from the live band.
The evening ended as we drove home to the sound of the fireworks at Fair Park. You could just barely make out the show in the sky through all of the trees in the neighborhood, but it was okay. We were all sweaty & tired by then anyway!
Then, on Saturday I worked.
Then on Sunday I worked.
I worked Monday too.
Today is Tuesday, and I have a ton of housework to do. I need to go to Target, and Little-Mister-Get-My-Way was up & down all night. He's in a mega-moody state today.
He can have his stitches out tomorrow, so that will be good. He's had to take showers instead of baths for the last week. He keeps begging to take a bath. Bless his little heart!
Have a Happy Tuesday!!!!
Little boys that say "ya'll"? How cute! Hope the doctors visit is uneventful.
Hi there - I recently came across your site (by accident) and before I knew it, I had read IT ALL from start until present. Being a mother of one myself (and soon to be of 2), I really enjoy reading about the balance of work and motherhood - it's all very entertaining and fun. And can I just say, your little boy is just lovely. Gage is SO beautiful and I can't wait for my son (who is only 11 mos) to start talking, so that I'll have some funny stories too!
So, thank you for giving me something to look forward to (almost) every day.
Gage is too stinkin' cute!! I'll be praying for good results from the doctor's appt! Enjoy your day off!!
Your little Gage is in my thoughts. Keep us updated, I'm wishing you all the best.
You're not the mom who ignored it. You're the mom who's checking it out. I'm hoping that everything goes well with the doctor.
Gage is the cutest thing ever!
I just took Porgie to the Pediatric cardiologist about a month ago regarding her heart murmurs. I felt soooo much better about everything after the appointment. It put my mind at ease. I hope Gage's appointment does the same for you.
Aw, look at that banged up knee!!! OWIE!
Hope the cardio is uneventful...we had to take Travis at 2 weeks old with a hole in his finally resolved itself. Little kids are so resilient.
I hope everything goes okay with the doc!
I don't know how you got good parking there. I avoided it at all costs. I just wish I knew why I can not see your pictures anymore.....
Yep that did it.Thanks
He is gorgeous. I'm 100% with Kate, you are the mom who is checking it out. You are a very attentive mother.
I'm also sorry about your dad. Please let us know how everthing goes with the doc.
A mother knows best when it comes to her child.. I commend you on pushing forward with a Cardiologist appointment. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
Good luck with that appointment. Good for you for following up on your mommy intuition. I hope that if there is something it is super minor.
I hope is appointment is fine. Always trust mommy instinct, best to know now!
will be thinking of baby gage :)
Hope the original diagnosis was right and that he's perfectly fine. Crossing fingers for you...
I could just eat that little man up!! I think I should start saying "ya'll" just so my kids will!
So scary! I hope that the doctor says it is just nothing.
And thanks for the advice about the lawn mosquito stuff. I plan to look for it this weekend!
Good luck with Gage's appointment!!!
I hope all is well for Gage and your family!
The doctor appt sounds like a good idea. Better safe than sorry, and then you can cross that big worry off your list of things-moms-worry-about!
He is very cute :)
I think you will feel so much better after the appt with the cardiologist. Keep us posted.
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