Life Is Just So Daily

Monday, May 19, 2008


So, Saturday was filled with yardwork...

...and Sunday morning....well, Super Man thought that the yard could use a little more work.

And...what? What's THAT????

Is that....a big boy bed????

As a matter of fact, it is!
So, Sunday we took one of the sides off the crib, turning it into one of it's convertible features: the "daybed".
So, that meant---no nap.
We tried, tried, tried, and then finally it was beyond the point of trying b/c who wants the kiddie going down for a nap at 5pm, right???

Anyway...Sunday also brought the first swim of the season. I got exactly 3 photos before the battery died, so sadly, none of them are stellar. Oh well. It was know, until it was time to leave.

Sunday night, Gage ended up sleeping in his big boy bed. He slept there all night. After he fell asleep, we got a little scared that he might roll off onto the hardwood floor. So, we took the cushions off the couch in the den, and put them on the floor next to his bed.

This morning, he was still in his bed...all of the toys & blankies were on the floor, but HE was still in his bed.

Speaking of couches....Friday after work, the new living room furniture was purchased. It will be here on Wednesday. The couches we had were steam cleaned by Hubby, and purchased & hauled away on Saturday. So, my living room is empty. You know---except for five thousand toys & two WalMart-1983-lookin' PVC loungers. What's up??? Hubby REFUSED to let me post pics....but hey---I figure it's just for 3 or 4 days, so who cares? It's not worth going through the hassle of moving the den furniture in here for 3-4 days worth of sitting.

We live in an old house. It was built in 1949. I often explain it like the house from the movie "The Others." Not that it is anywhere near comparable in size---but in the manner that every single room can be closed off by a door. Seriously---even the hallway. You can shut every single door that goes into the hallway & it can be pitch black. Every single room can be shut off. It's kind of weird....but, it's been nice with a baby. Regular size baby gates fit the doorways, and we don't really need them because we can just shut the door when we don't want Gage to go in somewhere. Or, rather, WE USED TO BE ABLE TO JUST SHUT THE DOOR. Now, he's tall enough to just open the door.

Now, I'm just kind of rambling.
It's Monday evening. Gage didn't take a nap today at the Mother-in-Law's, so it's been a pretty touch-and-go evening.

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At 7:37 PM , Blogger Pokey Puppy said...

Awww.. i remember the first night in the big boy bed!! Glad it went so well for you.

Oh yea.. and SIGH... I wouldn't DREAM of going swimming here in our weather


At 7:52 PM , Blogger Kate said...

Superman does lawns, too? Cool!

Congrats on the big boy bed and all of the other furniture transactions.

At 11:15 PM , Blogger Love said...

i love that superman comes to do your yardwork!!

the big boy bed/nap thing is so hard. my girls stopped napping as soon as we changed to big beds. but, they go to bed at 6:30 now.

At 6:37 AM , Blogger Beth said...

Two amazing things:
One - they love mowing the lawn until they're older and you really want them to...
Two - they actually manage not to fall out of those big-boy beds despite our fears.

At 6:40 AM , Blogger Laura said...

hoping super man is for hire!!!

Great photos!

Thanks for sharing.

At 6:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A big boy bed?! Awww...

I read somewhere that you can take a pool noodle and put it under the sheet at the edge of the bed. It gives them the secure feeling of SORT of being in their crib and if they roll to the edge, they don't fall out. Morgan's crib converts to the day bed and then a full size bed, but her's came with a side rail thing. A bed rail? Is that what it's called? Whatever.

LOVE him mowing as Super Man!!

At 7:10 AM , Blogger Lainey-Paney said...

kellie---that's an AWESOME suggestion about the pool noodle thing. I never would have thought of that!!!

At 9:08 AM , Blogger Heidi said...

Yay a big boy bed! I used to put pillows on the floor too. Now I don't but they still fall out of bed sometimes.
We won't be swimming here for a while since the nights are to be in the 30's.ugh.
At least you house is not haunted like The Others, I love that movie.


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