Life Is Just So Daily

Friday, December 12, 2014

Itty Bitty Trip to the Pumpkin Patch.

Our little Early Childhood PTA group hosted an outing for our kiddos to an area petting zoo and pumpkin patch. This little devil had fun!
Ok, really, while the lil devil horns were fitting, she didn't keep them on for very long.

She really enjoyed feeding the animals though.

How Tall this Fall? Well, she wasn't about to stand there and let Mommy take the, here's the best we got....
 "I'm outta here!"
 She carted this itty-bitty pumpkin around. It was from the pumpkin patch part of this place....
In all of the activities, what was her favorite?
Washing her hands.
{Wash your hands & say your prayers, because germs and Jesus are everywhere!}

Her friend, J, came too, which always makes Eliette happy.

How did J like the goats? Not as well as Eliette!

Is it terrible that the above pic cracks me up? Well, I don't feel too bad because J's mom would crack up too.
And Eliette? She thinks you drive a goat....
For giggles, I put these two side by side.... It kind of helps justify Eliette's conclusion that this is how it ranching works....
She's my little bitty city girl!
(Totally kidding. We sooooo don't live in the city anymore.... Just sayin'....)

In the end---we had an okay day.
Quite the outing for her.
There were animals to feed (and drive), a little train ride, an area with play equipment, and a pumpkin patch area. It was enough fun for the morning, and when I was barely out of the parking lot, THIS was the scene in the backseat:
 And this was the scene when we got home:

Daddy's girl, for sure.

Later that day when we were back home, I was pulling things out of the diaper bag, and WHAT? What is this?
It's a HOT PUMPKIN. Apparently it went from the feeding bucket to the diaper bag without me ever noticing. Whoops. Eliette stole a pumpkin.

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