How far along? 38w1d
Size of Baby: indicates that baby is the size of a pumpkin, being 18.9-20.9 inches long, and weighing anywhere between 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. (that's quite a range...)
Baby Milestones: From, "Development is complete, baby's main job is to gain weight. The body
continues laying on the fat stores at a rate of about an ounce (28
grams) a day, that will help regulate his or her body temperature after
Maternity Clothes: Yes....and Hubby's clothes. I swear, I wasn't THIS big when I was pregnant with Gage...
Gender: Team Pink!
Belly Button In/Out: In/Flattened. Not "out."
Movement: Less & less. Not 'alarmingly less,' by any means. She's running out of room in there. So, she's not able to move nearly as much as she was. She perks up after I eat, and I'm sure she's okay in there. It's just, less than it was in the past. I still love the movements she makes when I'm reeeeeally still and I can watch my belly contort, and she pushes her feet out to the side. She's head down in my belly, but she's facing side-ways, if that makes sense. Her spine is aligned on my left side, and her feet are on my right side.
Sleep: Still not great for me or Hubby! My snoring is crazy obnoxious to my husband, so he's having a hard time sleeping. I remind him that we've only got a few more days to go! I'm hoping that the snoring goes away quickly after delivery....but if it's related to my current size instead of the pregnancy hormones, it may be here longer than I thought! I'm hoping that right now, there's just a catastrophic combination of my size and the pregnancy hormones/changes that effect your sinuses that are causing this horrible snoring. I'm hoping that it goes away very soon, but we'll see....
Cravings/Aversions: Not really craving anything specific... it's just the power of suggestion is amazing to me. Someone can mention something, and the next thing you know, I neeeeeeed it. Commercials are totally working on me right now!
Feeling: Crazy. Hubby and I talk about this all the time. With respect to the mood swings and my lack of patience, I'm very glad that this will be my last pregnancy. I can bawl at the drop of a hat, over the dumbest stuff, and then 2 minutes later, I realize that I'm being completely crazy and by that point I'm filled with regret because in the crazy moments I can't shut my fat-freakin-mouth! Pregnancy is crazy.
Physically how am I feeling? Done. Miserable. Huge. But, I only have 6 days left! I can do anything for 6 days! Ohhhhhh! And my pregnancy eczema is back. Good times. In the beginning of this pregnancy I was diagnosed as having discoid eczema. I though I was covered in ring worm, but luckily that was not the case! Now, I just have these red rings that just show up on my skin. Down the left side of my belly, it looks like it is covered in pinky-red onion rings. I'm supposed to be using all fragrance-free & dye free products and keep the area very well moisturized. It's annoying. I have however fallen in love with a product that the Dermatologist recommended: Eucerin Calming Body Wash. It's a daily oil based body wash. It's awesome. It feels really good on your skin when you shower.... So, there's that.
What I Miss: Wearing my wedding rings, bending over easily, getting in & out of the car easily, having cuter feet, wearing a wide variety of shoes, sleeping through the night.....this list really could go on & on, and it seems to be the same each week....
What I am Looking Forward To: Having this baby!
Next Appointment: Thursday! (as in, tomorrow) Thinking I may decline the internal exam for dilation. I mean, at this point, who cares, right? I've got 6 days to go, and who cares if I'm dilated any more. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen.....
Something funny that happened recently: got the bassinet set up in our room. Turn your back for a minute to go get the rest of the bedding for the bassinet, and your son has already spotted the PERFECT PLACE to store/display his Nerf guns.... (I was seriously away from the bassinet for less than 5 minutes, and I return to my room to find it filled with Nerf guns. Gage was nowhere around...)
Sweet boy....He got this sign for his room from one of Darnin's coworkers.
His whole world is about to change....
Labels: Gage, P3